Women not safe after migrants overrun Stockholm station
Robot Droids C3P0 and R2D2 |
"The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots." — Erich Fromm
Why Microsoft wants to lasso Yahoo
The causes usually cited for failure of a company are costs of start-up, overruns on costs, depreciation of excess inventory, competition — anything but the actual cause, pure and simple bad management.
pure and simple
used after a noun to mean 'and nothing else':
He is motivated by greed, pure and simple.
BBC News - UK
"It shows how desperate they are and how concerned they are about Google achieving a monopoly position in internet advertising. ...
noun [C] plural lassos or US ALSO lassoes
a rope which is shaped in a ring at one end, which can be tightened by pulling the other end:
Lassos are used particularly by cowboys to catch cattle and horses.
verb [T] lassoing, lassoed, lassoed
to catch an animal by throwing the ring of a lasso over its head and then tightening it around its neck
n. - 套索
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 輪縄, つなぎ縄, 投げなわ
v. - 輪縄で捕える
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a long noosed rope used to catch animals
Synonyms: lasso, riata, reata
lar·i·at (lăr'ē-ət)
- See lasso.
- A rope for picketing grazing horses or mules.
[Spanish la reata : la, the (from Latin illa) + reatar, to tie again (re-, again, from Latin; see re– + atar, to tie, from Latin aptāre, to join, from aptus, past participle of apere, to tie).]
overrun (GO BEYOND) Show phonetics
verb [I or T] overrunning, overran, overrun
to continue beyond an intended limit, especially a finishing time or a cost:
My evening class overran by ten minutes.
It looks as if we're going to overrun our budget.
overrun Show phonetics
noun [C]
━━ vt. (雑草などが)はびこる; 侵略する, 荒廃させる; 走り越す, オーバーランする; 超過する; (川などが)氾濫する.

n. 超過; オーバーラン. 【コンピュータ】オーバラン ((受信データのとりこぼし)).
オーバー-ラン 5 [overrun]
overrun (FILL) Show phonetics
verb [T] overrunning, overran, overrun
If unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and in large numbers:
Rebel soldiers overran the embassy last night.
Our kitchen is overrun with cockroaches蟑螂.
pound (HIT)
Pakistani forces pound militants in SwatPakistani military forces are continuing to pound militant positions in the Swat valley in the country's North-West Frontier Province.Officials say as many as 100 militants have been killed in four days of fighting. Swat, a former tourist area, has been partly overrun by followers loyal to pro-Taliban cleric Maulana Fazlullah.