Carolyn Kuan conducts with "impressive panache" (Seattle Times), and on January 29 she leads the Yale Philharmonia in Mahler and Berg.
Warily, Jordan Assists Rebels in Syrian War
Jordan has been quietly providing a staging ground for the rebels
and their foreign backers on Syria's southern front, but many say the
aid is not enough.
But what is really important is this: to what kind of foreign elite are the chancellor and the mayor selling off chunks of Britain? As David Shambaugh, an American authority on the Chinese government has recently written,
Chinese diplomats and media go to extraordinary lengths to stage-manage its leaders’ and officials’ foreign interactions. They make great efforts to try to maximize the formality and grandeur in which foreign leaders are received abroad and minimize (to zero) the possibility of their being embarrassed by public protests in their presence or openly aired disputes with foreign leaders.
As Obama Pauses Action, Putin Takes Center Stage
President Vladimir V. Putin has, at least for now, made Russia indispensable in containing the conflict in Syria.
A Premier View of China's Growth
next generation of leaders will take the stage at the Party Congress,
scheduled to start Nov. 8, against a background of intensifying worries
about the world's second largest economy.
Charlemagne: Bulgarian rhapsody
Why the European Commission imposed sanctions on its poorest Balkan member
Moscow Mayor Promises a Winter Without Snow
By Simon Shuster / Moscow
Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov plans to spray clouds before they reach the city to stop snow from falling. Is it a zany scheme, or a good idea to keep the capital from being snowed under? idea to keep the capital from being snowed under?
Why did I look up rhapsodize in the phone book?
He is a celebrity president in a celebrity culture, cooed over for his shirtless physique on the beach and splashed on the cover of every magazine from Foreign Policy to People. What his political opponents sought to portray in the campaign as arrogance is now presented by his aides as comfort with power and the responsibilities that go along with it.
Academic Stars Hone Their Online Stagecraft
Courtesy Markos Hankin and M.I.T.
Prof. Walter H. G. Lewin demonstrates physics of pendulums.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Walter H. G. Lewin, 71, a physics professor, has long had a cult following at M.I.T. And he has now emerged as an international Internet guru, thanks to the global classroom the institute created to spread knowledge through cyberspace.
Professor Lewin’s videotaped physics lectures, free online on the OpenCourseWare of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have won him devotees across the country and beyond who stuff his e-mail in-box with praise.
“Through your inspiring video lectures i have managed to see just how BEAUTIFUL Physics is, both astounding and simple,” a 17-year-old from India e-mailed recently.
Steve Boigon, 62, a florist from San Diego, wrote, “I walk with a new spring in my step and I look at life through physics-colored eyes.”
Professor Lewin delivers his lectures with the panach eof Julia Child bringing French cooking to amateurs and the zany theatricality of You-Tube’s greatest hits. He is part of a new generation of academic stars who hold forth in cyberspace on their college Web sites and even, without charge, on iTunes U, which went up in May on Apple’s iTunes Store.
注 Panache is a French word for which there is no English equivalent, but carries the connotation of reckless courage.
- Dash; verve.
- A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet.
[French, plume, verve, from Italian pinnacchio, plume, from Late Latin pinnāculum, diminutive of Latin pinna, feather, wing.] panache(pə-năsh', -näsh') 
Pronunciation: /pəˈnaʃ/
Definition of panache in English:
Mid 16th century: from French, from Italian pennacchio, from late Latin pinnaculum, diminutive ofpinna 'feather'.
In his lectures at, Professor Lewin beats a student with cat fur to demonstrate electrostatics. Wearing shorts, sandals with socks and a pith helmet — nerd safari garb — he fires a cannon loaded with a golf ball at a stuffed monkey wearing a bulletproof vest to demonstrate the trajectories of objects in free fall.
He rides a fire-extinguisher-propelled tricycle across his classroom to show how a rocket lifts off.
He was No. 1 on the most downloaded list at iTunes U for a while, but that lineup constantly evolves. The stars this week included Hubert Dreyfus, a philosophy professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and Leonard Susskind, a professor of quantum mechanics at Stanford.
Last week, Yale put some of its most popular undergraduate courses and professors online free. The list includes Controversies in Astrophysics with Charles Bailyn, Modern Poetry with Langdon Hammer and Introduction to the Old Testament with Christine Hayes.
M.I.T. recently expanded on the success of its on-line classes by opening a site aimed at high school students and teachers.
Judging from his fan e-mail, Professor Lewin, who is among those featured on the new site, appeals to students of all ages. Some of his correspondents compare him to the late Richard Feynman, the free-spirited, bongo-playing Nobel laureate who popularized physics through his books, lectures and television appearances.
With his halo of wiry grayish-brown hair, his tortoiseshell glasses and his intensity, Professor Lewin is the iconic brilliant scientist. But like Julia Child, he is at once larger than life and totally accessible.
“We have here the mother of all pendulums!” he declares, hoisting his 6-foot-2, 170-pound self on a 30-pound steel ball attached to a pendulum hanging from the ceiling. He swings across the stage, holding himself nearly horizontal as his hair blows in the breeze he has created.
The point: that a period of a pendulum is independent of the mass — the steel ball, plus one professor — hanging from it.
“Physics works!” Professor Lewin shouts, as the classroom explodes in cheers.
“Hi, Prof. Lewin!!” a fan who identified himself as a 17-year-old from China wrote. “I love your inspiring lectures and I love MIT!!!”
A fan who said he was a physics teacher from Iraq gushed: “You are now my Scientific Father. In spite of the bad occupation and war against my lovely IRAQ, you made me love USA because you are there and MIT is there.”
Professor Lewin revels in his fan mail and in the idea that he is spreading the love of physics. “Teaching is my life,” he said.
The professor, who is from the Netherlands, said that teaching a required course in introductory physics to M.I.T. students made him realize “that what really counts is to make them love physics, to make them love science.”
He said he spent 25 hours preparing each new lecture, choreographing every detail and stripping out every extra sentence.
“Clarity is the word,” he said.
Fun also matters. In another lecture on pendulums, he stands back against the wall, holding a steel ball at the end of a pendulum just beneath his chin. He has just demonstrated how potential energy turns into kinetic energy by sending the ball flying across the stage, shattering a pane of glass he had bolted to the wall.
Now he will demonstrate the conservation of energy.
“I am such a strong believer in the conservation of energy that I am willing to risk my life for it,” he says. “If I am wrong, then this will be my last lecture.”
He closes his eyes, and releases the ball. It flies back and forth, stopping just short of his chin.
“Physics works!” Professor Lewin shouts. “And I’m still alive!”
Chasing rainbows hooked Mr. Boigon, the San Diego florist. He was vacationing in Hawaii when he noticed the rainbow outside his hotel every afternoon. Why were the colors always in the same order?
When he returned home, Mr. Boigon said in a telephone interview, he Googled rainbows. Within moments, he was whisked to M.I.T. Lecture Hall No. 26-100. Professor Lewin was in front of a few hundred students.
“All of you have looked at rainbows,” he begins. “But very few of you have ever seen one. Seeing is different than looking. Today we are going to see a rainbow.”
For 50 minutes, he bounds across the stage, writing equations on the blackboard and rhapsodizing about the “amazing” and “beautiful” physics of rainbows. He explains how the colors always appear in the same order because of how light refracts and reflects in the water droplets.
For the finale, he creates a rainbow by shining a bright light into a glass sphere containing a single drop of water.
“There it is!” Professor Lewin cries.
“Your life will never be the same,” he tells his students. “Because of your knowledge, you will be able to see way more than just the beauty of the bows that everyone else can see.”
“Professor Lewin was correct,” Mr. Boigon wrote in an e-mail message to a reporter. “He made me SEE..and it has changed my life for the better!!”
“I had never taken a course in physics, or calculus, or differential equations,” he wrote to Professor Lewin. “Now I have done all that in order to be able to follow your lectures. I knew the name Isaac Newton, but nothing about Newtonian Mechanics. I had heard of the likes of Einstein, Galileo.” But, he added that he “didn’t have a clue on earth as to what they were all about.”
“I walk down the street analyzing the force of a boy on skateboard or the recoil of a carpenter using a nail gun,” he wrote. “Thank you with all my heart.”
noun [C]
1 SPECIALIZED a piece of music which has no formal structure and which expresses powerful feelings:
Rachmaninov's 'Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini'
2 FORMAL a speech or piece of writing that contains powerful feelings and enthusiasm
1 in the form of a rhapsody, or expressing powerful feelings:
The slow movement is wonderfully moody and rhapsodic.
2 FORMAL expressing great enthusiasm about something
In one of a trove of 81 recently discovered postcards, Mr. Mann rhapsodized to his older brother, Heinrich, about yogurt, “tasty and lightly laxative,” and fretted over the healthiness of decaffeinated coffee.
rhapsodize, UK USUALLY rhapsodise
verb [I] FORMAL
to express great enthusiasm for something:
He's always rhapsodizing about/over the joys of having children.
- 音節
- rhap • so • dize, ((主に英))-dise
- 発音
- rǽpsədàiz
- rhapsodizeの変化形
- rhapsodized (過去形) • rhapsodized (過去分詞) • rhapsodizing (現在分詞) • rhapsodizes (三人称単数現在)
((形式))[動](自)(…を)熱狂的に語る((about, over ...)).
━━(他)…を(ラプソディーのように)朗唱する.to try to find a piece of information by looking in a book or on a computer:
If you don't know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary.
za·ny (zā'nē)
n., pl., -nies.
- A ludicrous, buffoonish character in old comedies who attempts feebly to mimic the tricks of the clown.
- A comical person given to extravagant or outlandish behavior.
- Ludicrously comical; clownish.
- Comical because of incongruity or strangeness; bizarre.
[French zani, from Italian dialectal zanni, from Zanni, variant of Italian Gianni, nickname for Giovanni, John, the name of servants who act as clowns in commedia dell'arte.]
zanily za'ni·ly adv.zaniness za'ni·ness n.
be going through a stage
by (easy) stages
休み休みゆっくりと, 急がずに, 徐々に.
hold the stage
(1) (劇などの)〈出し物が〉引き続き上演される.(2) 注目の的となる.
set the stage for ...
…の準備をする, お膳(ぜん)立てをする.
stage by stage
=STEP by step.
take center stage
tread the stage
Syllabification: (stage-man·age)
Translate stage-manage | into German | into Italian verb
[with object]Derivatives
Syllabification: stag·ing
Pronunciation: /ˈstājiNG/
- 3 Medicine Diagnosis or classification of the particular stage reached by a progressive disease.
More example sentences
- The reference standard test for diagnosis and staging of endometriosis is laparoscopy or laparotomy with biopsy.
- In staff training, the diagnosis of opportunistic infections and correct staging of disease are strongly emphasised.
- Accurate radiological staging of the disease allows for appropriate clinical decision making and ensures that surgery is limited to those patients who will benefit.
Definition of STAGING GROUND
: a place where something is planned or initiated
A staging area (otherwise staging point, staging base or staging post) is a location where organisms, people, vehicles, equipment or material are assembled before use. coo
verb [I] cooing, cooed, cooed
1 When birds such as doves and pigeons coo, they make a low soft call.
2 to speak in a soft, gentle or loving way:
The baby lay in his cot, cooing and gurgling.
It's sickening the way she coos over those cats of hers.
[+ speech] "How wonderful to see you again, darling, " she cooed.hone
verb [T]
1 to sharpen an object:
The bone had been honed to a point.
2 to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose:
His physique was honed to perfection.
Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.
━━ n. 体格.
The noun stagecraft has one meaning:
Meaning #1: skill in writing or staging plays
本文意義為stage (登舞台) craft (技藝)
比較 Star·craft
n. (stär"krȧft)
Astrology. [R.] Tennyson.
Webster 1913 Dictionary edited by Patrick J. Cassidy