In an interview by Matt Weinstock for New York City Center, Tony award-winning composer and lyricist William Finn explains how the music Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell, Philip Glass, and Leonard Bernstein helped him endure a difficult hospital stay.
To soothe his claustrophobia during an endless string of MRIs, Finn even had the technicians play Leonard Bernstein's "Make Our Garden Grow" on loop. When the tape player broke mid-session, Finn asked, "Can you sing it? Do you know the a cappella parts?" "I was a jokester," he says. "But it's one of the most glorious songs ever written. I love when it goes into the a cappella stuff. It just rises. You want to kill yourself when you're in the hospital, and you just need moments when everything soars. I felt like I was floating. The music got me through."
Getting These Cyclists to Use Helmets Is Like Tilting at Windmills
Among Holland's millions of bikers, helmets are almost nonexistent. Now a number of doctors, safety advocates and bike-gear producers are trying to get through Dutch skulls that headgear would protect them.
在西方,以「頭顱骨」(skull,他們從中世紀才有這樣死神代表物說法。17世紀的墓葬雕塑,有時用骷髏skeleton代之) 的冥想「無常」為主,譬如說,耶蘇會的神修。代表老年。肖像畫中的它表示虔敬……。四種氣質中代表「憂鬱」。
在西方,以「頭顱骨」(skull,他們從中世紀才有這樣死神代表物說法。17世紀的墓葬雕塑,有時用骷髏skeleton代之) 的冥想「無常」為主,譬如說,耶蘇會的神修。代表老年。肖像畫中的它表示虔敬……。四種氣質中代表「憂鬱」。

Oxford English Dictionary drops 'dirty biker' definition
Dictionary drops references to 'long hair' and 'dirty denims' in its definition of 'bikers' after complaints from motorcyclists.
Oxford Dictionaries has dropped references to 'long hair' and 'dirty denims'
in its definition of 'bikers' after motorcylists complained.
Oxford University Press, which publishes the Oxford English Dictionary, bowed
to pressure from Britain's two-wheeled community, who claimed the
description was outdated.
The online version previously defined biker as: "A motorcyclist,
especially one who is a member of a gang: a long-haired biker in dirty
However, figures show that far from the "long-haired and dirty denim"
stereotype, fewer than one in 10 male bikers now has long hair (9 per cent).
Furthermore, almost half of British bikers (42 per cent) are totally free of
tattoos, piercings, facial hair or gang markings.
OUP has now changed the Oxford Dictionaries Online definition of biker to: "A
motorcyclist, especially one who is a member of a gang or group: a biker was
involved in a collision with a car."
Almost three quarters, 74 per cent, believe the old definition was inaccurate, with 21 per cent saying they are "outraged and offended" by it.
And 65 per cent of motorcyclists spend the majority of their time riding alone - and not as a "member of a gang", a study by insurance firm Bennetts found.
Over half, 60 per cent, believe the old definition is "dated and irrelevant", and just 2 per cent say it was "correct and accurate", the poll of 524 bikers found.
Bennetts data shows today's biker is most likely to be aged over 35, middle class, working in IT or telecoms and likely to ride a Honda.
Whether commuting or riding as a hobby, the image of a 'biker' has changed from that of a Hells Angel.
When the term "biker" was used in the 60s and 70s, it described gangs of long haired, leather clad trouble makers.
They generally drove at dangerously high speeds, often to confront rival gangs elsewhere.
The bikers were described in the media in early 60s as "ton-up" boys.
Hannah Squirrell, from Bennetts, said: "In the early 60s, 'biker' was a relatively new term which provoked fear among many, partly due to their image portrayed in the media.
"Fortunately, since then, bikers have grown away from the cliched stereotype and now encompass all sectors of society.
"That is evident by the recent popularity growth of adventure-bikes and scooter sales.
"It's clear from the research that the image of a biker in 2013 is not the same as 50 years ago.
"We are pleased the Oxford Dictionary definition has finally been updated.
"However, it's worth pointing out that not every person who rides a motorcycle describes themselves as a 'biker' and we're not all members of gangs - so there is still some way to go."
Oxford University Press spokeswoman Nicola Burton said the change to the definition was made on February 22.
She said: "This change has been made to reflect a minor shift in contemporary use of the word 'biker'.
"Our research suggests 'biker' is now more closely aligned with 'motorcyclist' than words such as 'hell's angel'.
"We also updated the usage example, which is intended to provide an illustration of how the word could be used in a sentence.
"Oxford Dictionaries definitions are based on evidence of language usage.
"They are not meant to prescribe how language should be used, but instead describe language as it is used by the majority of its speakers, based on our objective research."
China got through more cement between 2011 and 2013 than America did in the entire 20th century
Almost three quarters, 74 per cent, believe the old definition was inaccurate, with 21 per cent saying they are "outraged and offended" by it.
And 65 per cent of motorcyclists spend the majority of their time riding alone - and not as a "member of a gang", a study by insurance firm Bennetts found.
Over half, 60 per cent, believe the old definition is "dated and irrelevant", and just 2 per cent say it was "correct and accurate", the poll of 524 bikers found.
Bennetts data shows today's biker is most likely to be aged over 35, middle class, working in IT or telecoms and likely to ride a Honda.
Whether commuting or riding as a hobby, the image of a 'biker' has changed from that of a Hells Angel.
When the term "biker" was used in the 60s and 70s, it described gangs of long haired, leather clad trouble makers.
They generally drove at dangerously high speeds, often to confront rival gangs elsewhere.
The bikers were described in the media in early 60s as "ton-up" boys.
Hannah Squirrell, from Bennetts, said: "In the early 60s, 'biker' was a relatively new term which provoked fear among many, partly due to their image portrayed in the media.
"Fortunately, since then, bikers have grown away from the cliched stereotype and now encompass all sectors of society.
"That is evident by the recent popularity growth of adventure-bikes and scooter sales.
"It's clear from the research that the image of a biker in 2013 is not the same as 50 years ago.
"We are pleased the Oxford Dictionary definition has finally been updated.
"However, it's worth pointing out that not every person who rides a motorcycle describes themselves as a 'biker' and we're not all members of gangs - so there is still some way to go."
Oxford University Press spokeswoman Nicola Burton said the change to the definition was made on February 22.
She said: "This change has been made to reflect a minor shift in contemporary use of the word 'biker'.
"Our research suggests 'biker' is now more closely aligned with 'motorcyclist' than words such as 'hell's angel'.
"We also updated the usage example, which is intended to provide an illustration of how the word could be used in a sentence.
"Oxford Dictionaries definitions are based on evidence of language usage.
"They are not meant to prescribe how language should be used, but instead describe language as it is used by the majority of its speakers, based on our objective research."
China got through more cement between 2011 and 2013 than America did in the entire 20th century
- 1.(of a medical practitioner) advise and authorize the use of (a medicine or treatment) for someone, especially in writing."her doctor prescribed sleeping tablets"
- 2.state authoritatively or as a rule that (an action or procedure) should be carried out."rules prescribing five acts for a play are purely arbitrary"
Pronunciation: /skʌl/
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[with object] informalPhrases
out of one's skull