Neil Barofsky, special investigator for the last big bailout, talks with Bill about why oversight of the $2 trillion relief package is crucial. Only hours after signing the bill into law, Trump threatened to ignore the oversight provisions included in it. Listen at the link below.
"There’s going to be scandal involved in this bailout. It is unquestionable. There is going to be fraud committed in this bailout. There are going to be individuals who are unjustly rewarded, and others who should have been saved and rescued, who will be left on the side to rot." — Neil Barofsky
Jeffrey Epstein Is the Ultimate Symbol of Plutocratic Rot
Powerful elites enabled the financier accused of trafficking underage girls.
“As an adult, we think that everyone has their friends and we are the only ones seeking them. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
There should be no shortage of buyers for American banks' rotten assets. Sellers will be harder to entice
In the words of Peter Drucker, "There is no more difficult task than to keep a corpse from rotting." ??
On Flooded Burmese Coast, the Smell of Rot and Death
Six days after a cyclone, it is clear the damage is great and that little aid has made it to villagers along the sea south of Yangon.
turn the tide
rot was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
verb [I or T] -tt-
to (cause to) decay:
The fruit had been left to rot on the trees.
Rain has got in and rotted (away) the woodwork.
the smell of rotting fruit
noun [U]
1 decay:
Rot has got into the furniture.
"Don't talk rot!"
1 decayed:
The room smelled of rotten vegetables.
2 very bad:
rotten weather
OLD-FASHIONED It was rotten of you to leave without saying goodbye. ━━ v. (-tt-) 腐る[らす]; 朽ち(させ)る ((away)); 衰える.

━━ n. 腐敗, 腐朽; 腐敗物; (the ~) (羊の)腐敗病; 〔話〕 くだらないこと.
