也有些美國學者與外交人員,敦促美國終止對台的「戰略模糊」(strategic ambiguity)策略。「戰略模糊」的意思是,美國不會明確表態中國犯台時美方的反應,透過曖昧說詞提醒台灣政治人物不要貿然行動,也避免激怒中國。
美國智庫「戰略暨國際研究中心」(CSIS)的中國及台灣安全專家葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)指出,拜登政權在談論兩岸議題時展現出決心,是因為「非常擔心意外與失算的可能性」。像葛來儀這樣人脈廣闊的學者,對近來多次爆發的意外摩擦與未來五到十年可能爆發的軍事衝突,表示憂慮,是一記警鐘。
美國智庫外交關係協會的研究員布萊克維爾(Robert D. Blackwill)認為,美國應該要建立可信的「地緣經濟嚇阻力」(geoeconomic deterrence),並強化相應的軍事能力。布萊克維爾表示,美國和日本等盟友應該清楚表態,只要中國出兵台灣,就會被踢出以美元為基礎的金融及貿易體系。
Sen. Susan Collins of Maine on Thursday night became the first Republican senator to break rank and announce support for witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial of President Trump.
"I believe hearing from certain witnesses would give each side the opportunity to more fully and fairly make their case, resolve any ambiguities, and provide additional clarity," she said in a statement.
Another Trump jobs promise bites the dust. Foxconn, the Taiwanese technology giant and major Apple supplier, had pledged to build a $10 billion display-panel fa⋯⋯
多Rather than build a plant with up to 13,000 blue-collar workers, the Taiwanese tech firm is opting instead to hire American engineers and researchers.WASHINGTONPOST.COM
Foxconn scraps plan to build factory in Wisconsin, will hire white-collar workers instead
Rather than build a plant with up to 13,000 blue-collar workers, the Taiwanese tech firm is opting instead to hire American engineers and researchers.
ambiguity 原多用在語義模稜兩可 曖昧

━━ n. 両義, 多義; あいまい(な語句).
━━ a. あいまいな, 両[多]義にとれる.
Pronunciation: /ambɪˈgjuːɪti/
noun (plural ambiguities)
[mass noun]
late Middle English: from Old French ambiguite or Latin ambiguitas, from ambiguus 'doubtful' (see ambiguous)
Ambiguity doctrine is a rule of contractual interpretation which provides, while interpreting documents, ambiguities are to be construed unfavorably to the drafter. The reasoning behind this rule is to encourage the drafter of a contract to be as clear and explicit as possible and to take into account as many foreseeable situations as it can.
Ambiguity doctrine is also called Contra Proferentem Doctrine
Ambiguity doctrine is a rule of contractual interpretation which provides, while interpreting documents, ambiguities are to be construed unfavorably to the drafter. The reasoning behind this rule is to encourage the drafter of a contract to be as clear and explicit as possible and to take into account as many foreseeable situations as it can.
Ambiguity doctrine is also called Contra Proferentem Doctrine
2007年12月7日 星期五
erstwhile, Britannia Bites, foist sth on/upon sb
Britannia Bites
紐約時報的書評。 不過我們可以從末段的"體驗"中,了解社會與階層生活如 lunch和dinner的"演變": 此說法可參考。
Britannia Bites
WOULD the Labour Party really consider foisting a second unelected prime minister on Britain? Apparently so. Less than a year after Gordon Brown succeeded Tony Blair, the idea of installing a third front man has become thinkable for some of his erstwhile supporters. That it has come to this reflects the astonishing speed of Mr Brown's fall.
Japan Wholesale Inflation Quickens as Oil Costs Surge (Update1)
Bloomberg - USA
16 (Bloomberg) -- Japan's wholesale inflation accelerated in December, putting pressure on companies to absorb higher costs or foist them onto consumers who ...
Meanwhile, Delphi's bankruptcy filing prompted ratings firm Standard & Poor's Corp. to lower its rating on former Delphi parent General Motors Corp. further below investment grade, citing potential supply issues and the large employee liabilities Delphi's filing could foist on it.
adjective [before noun] FORMAL
foist sth on/upon sb phrasal verbto force someone to have or experience something they do not want:
I try not to foist my values on the children but it's hard.
Bri·tan·nia |
noun |
Definition: |
1. symbol of Great Britain: the personification and symbol of Great Britain, shown as a seated woman wearing a helmet and holding a tridentBritannia was originally the Latin name that the Roman Empire gave to the island of Great Britain and its possessions. After the fall of the Roman Empire it had lost most symbolic meaning until the rise of British influence. Britannia had been renewed during the time of Queen Victoria,. Still depicted as a young woman with brown or golden hair, she kept her Corinthian helmet and her white robes, but now she held Poseidon’s three-pronged trident and often stood in the ocean, representing British naval power. She also usually held or stood beside a Greek hoplon shield, which sported the British Union Jack. At her feet was often the British Lion, the national animal of England. Britannia first appeared on the farthing in 1672, followed by the halfpenny later the same year under Charles II. Source Wikipedia |
2. metallurgy
[Pre-12th century. <> Brit(t)annia] London By STUART EMMRICH London is once again back to being a vibrant, electric city — one that more than lives up to the “Cool Britannia” nickname bestowed upon it by Tony Blair."Cool Britannia" は、一昨年5月に労働党が政権を取った頃に、流行した言葉 でした。 以法國企業達能公司(Danone SA)為例﹐它就與其印度合資夥伴Wadia Group產生了矛盾。這兩家公司在加爾各答合資創辦了糕點生產企 verb bit, bitten 1 [I or T] to use your teeth to cut into something or someone: He bit into the apple. An insect bit me on the arm. He bites his fingernails. 2 [I] to have a bad or unpleasant effect: Higher mortgage rates are beginning to bite. 3 [I] When a fish bites, it swallows the food on the hook at the end of a fishing line: The fish aren't biting today. 4 [I] to show interest in buying something: The new service is now available but clients don't seem to be biting. bite Show phonetics noun 1 [C] when you bite something: He took a bite (= bit a piece) out of the apple. He had two bites (= bit two pieces) of apple. 2 [C] a sore place or injury where an animal or insect has bitten you 3 [S] when a fish bites the hook on the end of a fishing line and is caught 4 [U] If food has bite, it has a sharp or strong taste: I like mustard with a bit of bite. 5 [U] a powerful effect: This satire has (real) bite.
vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb)
vi. (不及物動詞 intransitive verb)
n. (名詞 noun)
━━ vi. かむ, かみつく ((at)); 刺す; 刺激する; 腐食する; 肌にしみる; えさに食いつく; 誘惑にのる; かみ合う; (車輪が)路面をとらえる; (悪い)影響を与える.
━━ n. ひとかみ[かじり], ひと口; かみ[刺し]傷; (魚の)食い; 腐食; (風の)身を切るような冷たさ; から味, パンチ; 辛らつ; (歯車の)かみ合い; (刃の)食い込み.
bit・ing・ly ad.
2008年4月8日 星期二
scrape (SUCCEED), bite, satirical, sup
He was richer: in 1961 he earned £2.50 a week as a trainee accountant in Liverpool, enough to have saved up for a second-hand van, while they had to scrape the fare for the 81 bus across town, lugging their guitars up to the top deck.
The green double-decker spent more hours in the garage than out of it, and Stan spent more time eating tea with his dysfunctional family or hanging out with his mate Jack, a randy conductor with an eye for the birds; but he often supped his stew still dressed in his bus-driver’s jacket with its shiny badge, a token of his devotion to his job.
Provocative Danish film stirs festival audience
It’s not a flashback to fascism or a new world order – it’s the plot
of a satirical Danish film that’s making the festival rounds in Germany and Scandinavia.
The DW-WORLD Article
A Storm Blows in, and Those Who Waited Find That It Has Mostly Lost Its Bite By ALEX BERENSON
Emptied of patients on Saturday, a hospital in Franklin, La., waited for disasters that never came.
Flat-Panel TVs: A Clearer Picture
Sound legend Dolby and rival THX are offering new ways to bring those images into much sharper focus. Will manufacturers bite?bite
verb bit, bitten
1 [I or T] to use your teeth to cut into something or someone:
He bit into the apple.
An insect bit me on the arm.
He bites his fingernails.
2 [I] to have a bad or unpleasant effect:
Higher mortgage rates are beginning to bite.
3 [I] When a fish bites, it swallows the food on the hook at the end of a fishing line:
The fish aren't biting today.
4 [I] to show interest in buying something:
The new service is now available but clients don't seem to be biting.
1 [C] when you bite something:
He took a bite (= bit a piece) out of the apple.
He had two bites (= bit two pieces) of apple.
2 [C] a sore place or injury where an animal or insect has bitten you
3 [S] when a fish bites the hook on the end of a fishing line and is caught
4 [U] If food has bite, it has a sharp or strong taste:
I like mustard with a bit of bite.
5 [U] a powerful effect:
This satire has (real) bite.

━━ vt. (bit; bit・ten, bit) かむ, かみつく; (寒さが)しみる; (香辛料などが)刺激する; (霜が植物を)傷める; (ノミ・蚊が)刺す; (カニが)はさむ; (魚が)食いつく; (歯車が)かみ合う (grip); (刃が)食い込む; だます; (酸が)腐食する; 〔話〕 困らせる.
━━ vi. かむ, かみつく ((at)); 刺す; 刺激する; 腐食する; 肌にしみる; えさに食いつく; 誘惑にのる; かみ合う; (車輪が)路面をとらえる; (悪い)影響を与える.

━━ n. ひとかみ[かじり], ひと口; かみ[刺し]傷; (魚の)食い; 腐食; (風の)身を切るような冷たさ; から味, パンチ; 辛らつ; (歯車の)かみ合い; (刃の)食い込み.

bit・ing・ly ad.
verb [I usually + adverb or preposition; T] -pp- MAINLY UK
to drink or to eat:
NORTHERN ENGLISH He spends most of his evenings in the pub, supping beer.
OLD-FASHIONED They supped on/off cold meat.

━━ n. 風刺(文学), 風刺詩[文] ((on)); 皮肉 ((on)).
sa・tir・ic, sa・tir・i・cal

━━ a. 風刺的な.
sa・tir・i・cal・ly ad.

━━ n.
━━ vt. 風刺文を書く; 風刺する; あてこする.
sat・i・riz・er n.

sa・tir・i・cal・ly ad.

sat・i・riz・er n.
scrape (SUCCEED)
verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]
to succeed in getting or achieving something, but only just or with great difficulty:
She scraped into university on very low grades.
scrape by/along (LIVE) phrasal verb
to manage to live when you do not have enough money and other necessary things:
He lost his job, so the family had to scrape along on £95 a week.scrape a living UK
to only just earn enough money to provide yourself with food, clothing and a place to live:
He settled in Paris, where he scraped a living writing short stories and magazine articles.