The Biden administration is set to announce a new eviction moratorium expected to target areas with high Covid infections, people familiar with the matter say, which could buy states and localities more time to distribute about $47 billion in rental assistance.
W.H.O. Calls for Moratorium on Covid Booster Shots Through September
- The World Health Organization said the pause would help each country vaccinate at least 10 percent of its population amid disparities in global inoculation rates.
- Over 80 percent of the vaccine doses that have been given around the world have gone to high- and upper-middle income countries, the W.H.O said. Here’s the latest.
· Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will ...
His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather his wheat into the barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.”
Obama Lifts Moratorium on Transfer of Detainees
It was not clear whether President Obama's aim of shuttering the
prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, would be achieved soon, but he began a
renewed push to winnow down its population.
All eyes on energy companies, as nuclear moratorium ends
The moratorium on nuclear power announced by Chancellor Angela Merkel ended
on Wednesday. Eight of the country's nuclear power plants were turned off
in mid-March. Now it looks like the closure will be permanent.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
An unprecedented architecture encyclopedia
Unlike most architecture encyclopedias, which tend to concentrate more on buildings and floor plans than their designers, this tome puts the architects in the spotlight, profiling individuals to give readers a clear overview of their bodies of work.
With more than 270 entries, this book covers not only architects but also groups, movements, and styles from the 18th to the 21st century. Modern Architecture A–Z is a comprehensive resource that no architecture professional, fan, or student should be without.
Unlike most architecture encyclopedias, which tend to concentrate more on buildings and floor plans than their designers, this tome puts the architects in the spotlight, profiling individuals to give readers a clear overview of their bodies of work.
With more than 270 entries, this book covers not only architects but also groups, movements, and styles from the 18th to the 21st century. Modern Architecture A–Z is a comprehensive resource that no architecture professional, fan, or student should be without.
Adolescents "are confronted by the need to re-establish [boundaries] for themselves and to do this in the face of an often potentially hostile world."[6] This is often challenging since commitments are being asked for before particular identity roles have formed. At this point, one is in a state of 'identity confusion', but society normally makes allowances for youth to "find themselves," and this state is called 'the moratorium':
The problem of adolescence is one of role confusion—a reluctance to commit which may haunt a person into his mature years. Given the right conditions—and Erikson believes these are essentially having enough space and time, a psychological moratorium, when a person can freely experiment and explore—what may emerge is a firm sense of identity, an emotional and deep awareness of who he or she is.[7]
Resomation meets stiff resistance in Belgium
What we want to happen to our bodies once we die can be a very touchy
subject. For some the thought of decomposing is intolerable, for others the
idea of cremation is profane. So what about being reduced to liquid?
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
What we want to happen to our bodies once we die can be a very touchy
subject. For some the thought of decomposing is intolerable, for others the
idea of cremation is profane. So what about being reduced to liquid?
The DW-WORLD.DE Article
Resomation (別名 アルカリ加水分解)従業者によってもっと生態学上好ましいより主張される人間の残物の処分のためのプロセスはある、 火葬. プロセスは従来の選択への代わりとしての世界的に販売されている 埋葬 または火葬。 2007年の夏にように1,000人以上でresomatedあったことが要求される 米国,[1] ほとんどの源が引用するが イギリス 会社「Resomation限った」は[2] プロシージャの後ろの原動力として。
Resomationでは(言葉自体はある特定の領域で登録商標であると信じられる)ボディは絹袋、自体に金属のおりフレームの内に置かれて置かれる。 これはおよそ3時間resomation機械にそれから荷を積まれる。 機械は水の混合物で満ちている 水酸化カリウム (大体水の500lおよび水酸化物の20l)、および高い温度(およそ160の摂氏温度)に、しかし沸くことを防ぐ高圧で熱されて。 その代り、ボディは化学部品に効果的に分解する。
最終結果はおよび骨のようであるが手で白着色された塵を形作るために容易に押しつぶされる骨のカルシウム隣酸塩「影として」、(cremulatorが一般には使用されるが)記述されているか何が緑茶色の染められた液体の少しである(アミノ酸を、ペプチッド、砂糖および塩含んでいる)。[3] 液体および塵は両方死んだのの親族の次に戻すことができ庭に埋められるか、または適用されるかもしれない。
resomationプロセスは何人かの生態学的な運動をするグループ現在挑まれている、[4] そしてまたあるイギリスのcrematoriumの場所の代わりのオプションとして示されている。[5] 但し、5月2008日の国家でニューハンプシャーの立法者は練習を禁止した。[6]
Resomation is a specific alkaline hydrolysis process for the disposal of human remains, which is claimed by its creators to be much more ecologically favourable than cremation. The process is being marketed worldwide as an alternative to the traditional options of burial or cremation. As of the summer of 2007 it is claimed that more than 1,000 people have been resomated in the United States of America.[1]
Most sources cite the British company 'Resomation Limited' as the driving force behind the procedure; the company has a pending patent on the procedure and owns the international trademark on the word "Resomator".
In resomation the body is placed in a silk bag, itself placed within a metal cage frame. This is then loaded into a Resomator. The machine is filled with a mixture of water and potassium hydroxide, and heated to a high temperature (around 160 degrees Celsius), but at a high pressure, which prevents boiling. Instead, the body is effectively dissolved into its chemical components and ash, which takes about three hours.
The end result is a small quantity of green-brown tinted liquid (containing amino acids, peptides, sugars and salts) and soft, porous white bone remains (calcium phosphate) easily crushed in the hand (although a cremulator is more commonly used) to form a white-coloured dust. The white ash can then be returned to the next of kin of the deceased. The liquid is recycled back to the ecosystem for example by being applied to a memorial garden or forest.
The Resomation process is currently being championed by a number of ecological campaigning groups,[2] for using less energy and producing less carbon dioxide and pollutants than cremation. It is being presented as an alternative option at some British crematorium sites.[3] The process is currently legal in Minnesota, USA, where a similar process is being used to dispose of donated bodies at the Mayo Clinic.[4] The process was legal in New Hampshire, USA until a recent 1 year moratorium was imposed on the legislation to allow the technology claims to be studied and validated before public use. A commercial Resomator is about to be installed at a Florida funeral home where the process is also legal.[4]
- [mɔ`ːrətɔ'ːriəm | mɔ'r-]
[名](複-ri・a 〔-ri
〕, 〜s)
1 《金融》モラトリアム:金融危機などの際における預金その他債務の一時的支払猶予.
2 ((ふつう単数形))(敵対・危険活動の)一時停止;(危険物の)一時製造[使用]禁止((on ...))
3 承認された延期期間.
call for a moratorium on nuclear testing
moratorium mor·a·to·ri·um (môr'ə-tôr'ē-əm, -tōr'-, mŏr'-)
- Law.
- An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments.
- An authorized period of delay in the performance of an obligation.
- A suspension of an ongoing or planned activity: a moratorium on the deployment of a new weapon.
[From Late Latin morātōrium, neuter of morātōrius, delaying. See moratory.]
━━ n. (pl. ~s, mor・a・to・riamoratorium
Pronunciation: /ˌmɒrəˈtɔːrɪəm/
Definition of moratorium
noun (plural moratoriums or moratoria /-rɪə/)
late 19th century: modern Latin, neuter (used as a noun) of late Latin moratorius 'delaying', from Latin morat- 'delayed', from the verb morari, from mora 'delay'
Definition of winnow
1 体, 肉体, 身体(⇔mind, soul, spirit)
the strength of the body
body heat [temparature]
the body beautiful
build up one's body
▼「私は体は健康です」はI am healthy. で×My body is healthy. とはいわない.体を鍛える.
2 死体
His body was found.
3 《解剖学》(手・足・首を除いた)胴体;(物・道具の)本体, 主要部;(楽器の)共鳴部;(植物の)幹;車体, 船体, 飛行機の胴体;《建築》主要部分;(教会堂の)内陣
the body of a gun
the body of a tree
the body of a ship [an airplane, a car]
船体[機体, 車体].
船体[機体, 車体].
(1) (演説・文書の)本文, 本論
(1) (演説・文書の)本文, 本論
the body of a letter [a will]
(2) 《インターネット》(Eメールの)本文.手紙[遺言書]の本文.
5 《印刷》(活字の)ボディー.
6 《幾何学》立体;《物理学》物体, …体
a regular body
a solid [a liquid, a gaseous] body
固体[液体, 気体].
固体[液体, 気体].
7 (軍隊・住民などの)主力;大多数
The body of the army surrendered.
(1) ((略式))人. ▼通例女性
(1) ((略式))人. ▼通例女性
a quiet sort of body
(2) 《法律》人もの静かな人.
an heir of the body
9 ((単数・複数扱い))団体, 組織体, 法人
a self-governing body
a legislative body
a diplomatic body
10 (惑星・恒星などの)天体
heavenly bodies
11 (…の)かたまり, 集まり((of ...));一団の人々
the student body
a body of water
a body of laws
a body of facts [information]
a body of cold air
in a body
12 [U] [C] 濃度, 密度;(酒・味などの)こく;(油などの)粘性[度];(整髪料などの)こし, ハードなこと
wine of good body
13 (衣類の)胴部;(女性用の)胴着(bodice).
14 (陶器の)素地, 生地;粘土.
body and soul(1) 肉体と精神
give one's body and soul to the work
own a person body and soul
(2) ((one's 〜))((米俗))恋人.人を身も心も自分のものとする.
give body to ...…を具体化する, 具現する.
keep body and soul together((通例おどけて))(逆境にめげず)生きていく, 命をつなぐ.
know where the bodies are buried((米俗))(犯罪・スキャンダルなどの)秘密を知っている.
over my dead body((話))(そんなことは)絶対にさせない
“I'm going to throw out this chair. ” “Over my dead body (you will)!”
「このいすは捨てますよ」「絶対だめだ」.sell one's body肉体を売る, 売春する.
━━[動](bod・ied, 〜・ing)(他)
1 …に形態を与える.
2 …を具体化する;…を如実に示す((forth)).
- 発音記号[ìnhjuːméiʃən | -hjuː-]
- 発音記号[kriméiʃən]
1 火葬.
2 (書類などの)焼却.