Join us TODAY at 3pm at the Co-op to sing of arms and the man--David Ferry will discuss his new translation of "The Aeneid" with Rosanna Warren!
to sing of arms and the man
In English, the line translates as "I sing of arms and the man." In Vergil, "the man" is, of course, Aeneas, and "arms" refers to the Trojan War & Aeneas' journey from Greece. ... The title is an allusion to the first line of Vergil's Aeneid. In English, the line translates as "I sing of arms and the man."
What does "arms and the man" mean? | eNotes
The volume of brain cells damaged when an athlete "heads" a soccer ball is five times greater for women than for men, new research suggests.

Header (association football) - Wikipedia
Header is a technique that is used in association football to control the ball using the head to ... with other players, U.S. Soccer has taken actions in "eliminating heading for children 10 and under, and limiting the amount of heading in practice ...