Filled with many fresh details, Ramachandra Guha's book offers lively trivia. Gandhi, it transpires, saw just one film in his lifetime and had no idea who Charlie Chaplin was when they met.
Bound in quality Oxford-blue real leather, presented in a slipcase, ...
"I never leaf through a copy of National Geographic without realizing how lucky we are to live in a society where it is traditional to wear clothes." — Erma Bombeck
All three papers also front yesterday's deadly hotel bombing in Pakistan, one of the most catastrophic terrorist attacks in the nation's history.
One of the most treasured items in my personal library is a tiny volume of "little poems" entitled 憶 which 俞平伯 dedicated to his sister. The volume, the preface of which is dated in March 1922, was published in December 1925. It carries a colophone (sic) by 朱自清 and highly congenial woodcut illustrations by豐子愷.
-- A little talk on little poems (小詩小語 ) by N. G. D. Malmqvist (馬悅然) 收入"慶祝王元化教授八十歲論文集" 上海:華東師範大學出版社 2001 pp.428-29
col·o·phon (kŏl'ə-fŏn', -fən)

- An inscription placed usually at the end of a book, giving facts about its publication.
- A publisher's emblem or trademark placed usually on the title page of a book.
[Late Latin colophōn, from Greek kolophōn, summit, finishing touch.]
- 書籍末頁的出版社商標
- 版權頁標記

noun [C usually singular]
1 the part of a building, object or person's body which faces forward or which is most often seen or used:
The front of the museum is very impressive.
He spilt soup all down his front.
He was lying on his front.
The shop front occupies a very prominent position on the main street.
2 the part of a vehicle which is nearest to its direction of movement:
Do you want to sit in the front (= next to the driver)?
If we sit near the front of the bus, we'll have a better view.
3 the outside part or cover of a book, newspaper, or magazine:
There was a picture of the Trevi fountain on the front of the book.
4 one of the first pages in a book:
There's an inscription in the front of the book.
front Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
in or at the front of something:
One of his front teeth is missing.
I'd like seats on the front row of the stalls.
a dog's front paws
front Show phonetics
1 [I or T] (ALSO front onto) If a building or area fronts (onto) a particular place, it is near it and faces it:
All the apartments front onto the sea.
2 [T] to lead an organization or group of musicians:
She fronts a large IT company.
3 be fronted with If a building is fronted with something, its surface is covered with it:
a brick house fronted on three sides with timber
frontal Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
1 relating to the front of something:
the frontal lobes/regions of the brain
See also full-frontal.
2 frontal assault/attack very strong criticism of someone or something:
a frontal attack on the politician
n., pl. leaves (lēvz).
- A usually green, flattened, lateral structure attached to a stem and functioning as a principal organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in most plants.
- A leaflike organ or structure.
- Leaves considered as a group; foliage.
- The state or time of having or showing leaves: trees in full leaf.
- The leaves of a plant used or processed for a specific purpose: large supplies of tobacco leaf.
- Any of the sheets of paper bound in a book, each side of which constitutes a page.
- A very thin sheet of material, especially metal.
- Such leaves considered as a group: covered in gold leaf.
- A hinged or removable section for a table top.
- A hinged or otherwise movable section of a folding door, shutter, or gate.
- One of several metal strips forming a leaf spring.
v., leafed, leaf·ing, leafs. v.intr.
- To produce leaves; put forth foliage: trees just beginning to leaf.
- To turn pages, as in searching or browsing: leafed through the catalog.
To turn through the pages of.
[Middle English, from Old English lēaf.]
slipcase Show phonetics
noun [C]
a protective case for a book, usually made of cardboard, with one open end(可露出書背的)書套
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- 1.(of a secret or something unknown) come to be known; be revealed."it transpired that millions of dollars of debt had been hidden in a complex web of transactions"
synonyms: become known, become apparent, be revealed, be disclosed, come to light, emerge, come out, get out, be discovered, be uncovered, materialize, leak out, turn out, be made public "it transpired that Mr. Washington had been in London throughout the period of the robberies" - 2.BOTANY(of a plant or leaf) give off water vapour through the stomata."a cactus does not transpire as freely as most plants"
の意味や使い方 【名詞】【不可算名詞】蒸発,発散(作用).[TRANSPIRE+
biology the process by which water is lost through the surface of a plant.
単なる水分の蒸発が受動的な現象である一方、蒸散は生物体による能動的な調節、特に気孔の開閉制御が関与する点で異なる。ただし気孔を完全に閉じた状態でも、クチクラ層を通しての蒸散は行われる。気孔を通じて行われる蒸散を気孔蒸散(stomatal transpiration)、クチクラ層を通して行われる蒸散をクチクラ蒸散(cuticular transpiration)と呼ぶ。cuticular transpiration 角質層蒸騰