Fordite" is often differentiated by the plant it came from and the era in which it was created.
China's finance minister resigned in an unusually abrupt change ahead of a major Communist Party conclave in October, but his departure is unlikely to result in any significant policy shift.
Fordite, also known as Detroit agate. It was formed from the build up of layers of enamel paint during automotive production.
AMBER Alert - Wikipedia
conclave ━━ n. 【カトリック】教皇選挙会議; ((一般に)) 秘密会議.
- A secret or confidential meeting.
- Roman Catholic Church.
- The private rooms in which the cardinals meet to elect a new pope.
- The meeting held to elect a new pope.
- A meeting of family members or associates.
[Middle English, private chamber, conclave of cardinals, from Latin conclāve, lockable room : com-, com- + clāvis, key.]
conclave 拜天主教宗若望保祿二世辭世新聞而受矚目,意指IN BRIEF: A secret or confidential meeting.

Tutor's tip: The "conclave" (private meeting or session) met in a large "concave" (curved like the inside of a bowl) room.
"Bioneers" (root: "biological pioneers") is a term coined by filmmaker, author and eco-activist Kenny Ausubel to describe very diverse individuals and groups working in a broad array of fields who (initially often unbeknownst to each other) generate creative solutions to environmental and socio-cultural crises rooted in a few shared values, including holistic (or "whole systems") thinking, a view of all life as interdependent, and mutual aid.
In many cases the technological or social solutions to problems they propose are founded on emulation of natural self-organizing systems.
Ausubel founded an annual conference of the same name, which currently takes place in San Rafael, California, the third weekend in October, to highlight the work of these figures and to help support, nurture and propagate their ideas and models. It has, over the course of the last 15 years become, arguably, the nation's leading (and certainly its most diverse, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary) independent eco-conclave, bringing together some of the most accomplished doers and thinkers.
"Bioneers" (root: "biological pioneers") is a term coined by filmmaker, author and eco-activist Kenny Ausubel to describe very diverse individuals and groups working in a broad array of fields who (initially often unbeknownst to each other) generate creative solutions to environmental and socio-cultural crises rooted in a few shared values, including holistic (or "whole systems") thinking, a view of all life as interdependent, and mutual aid.
In many cases the technological or social solutions to problems they propose are founded on emulation of natural self-organizing systems.
Ausubel founded an annual conference of the same name, which currently takes place in San Rafael, California, the third weekend in October, to highlight the work of these figures and to help support, nurture and propagate their ideas and models. It has, over the course of the last 15 years become, arguably, the nation's leading (and certainly its most diverse, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary) independent eco-conclave, bringing together some of the most accomplished doers and thinkers.