Nearly 12,000 years ago, a human literally followed in the footsteps of a giant ground sloth.
Acedia was perhaps the greatest threat of all.
President Obama’s ‘catastrophic’ decision to watch baseball after the Brussels attacks
“That would be like Franklin Roosevelt remaining at Warm Springs…
From Instagram: A sloth holds on to the post of a traffic barrier on a highway in Quevedo, Ecuador on January 22nd 2016. Transit police officers patrolling the highway found the sloth after it had apparently tried to cross the street. The animal was returned to its natural habitat after a veterinarian found it to be in perfect condition
The Economist on Instagram: “A sloth holds on to the post of a traffic barrier on a highway in...
‘Beyond Debate’
The treatment of Jose Padilla was indisputably cruel and in breach of
the minimum standard required for a person in American custody.
Monkey-eating eagle divebombs BBC filmmaker as he fits nest-cam
Cameraman swooped by 9kg bird with 13cm claws in quest for footage of world's most powerful eagle in Venezuelan rainforest
As the first people attempting to fit a camera in the nest of the world's most powerful eagle, the BBC filmmakers knew they were likely to be attacked. But nothing could have prepared cameraman James Aldred for the defensive swoop by a 9kg female harpy eagle that left him nearly unconscious, ripped through his neck protection and knocked out his helmet's communication equipment.
Fergus Beeley, eagle expert and the documentary's producer, said: "I'm amazed by the harpy eagle. These are incredibly intelligent creatures. To kill monkeys, they have to be as intelligent as them, to outwit and ambush them. And it's indisputably the world's most powerful eagle. It has wrists and feet as big as mine."
The harpy, he said, was even stronger than other powerful eagles such as the crowned eagle of Africa and the Phillipines eagle. As well as taking small prey such as sloths and other birds, the species is known to kill red howler monkeys and even the young of the small brocket deer.
Acedia | Definition of Acedia by Merriam-Webster
or –art
One that habitually or excessively is in a specified condition or performs a specified action: drunkard.
[Middle English, from Old French, of Germanic origin.]
WordNet: sluggard
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: an idle slothful person
Synonym: slug
樹獺 sloth是哺乳綱貧齒總目披毛目下樹獺亞目(學名:Folivora)動物的通稱,包括有樹獺科和二趾樹獺科。
- 発音記号[ìndispjúːtəbl]
1 議論の余地のない, 否定できない;明白な
indisputable evidence
2 疑いようもなく現実の[正当な].
Pronunciation: /hɑːp/

n., pl., -pies.
- Greek Mythology. One of several loathsome, voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, wings, and talons of a bird.
- harpy A predatory person.
- harpy A shrewish woman.