It's #givingCMUday! CMU Interim President Jahanian shares with you a message about #givingCMUday 2017, and how you can impact the CMU community.
Visit to learn more about how you can make an impact for Carnegie Mellon's students this Giving Tuesday through projects like Nooks, an initiative to create more spaces for students to gather and collaborate: to learn, to have fun, and to enjoy the exchange of ideas. .
European leaders breathe easier as Rutte routs Wilders
With his first-place finish in the Netherlands' elections, Mark Rutte has
effectively halted the right-wing populist Geert Wilders. Messages - from
the pithy to the idealistic - have been pouring in from across Europe.
Magazine Assistants Add Social Media to Scheduling and Coffee Runs
The modern assistant has an understanding of social media that time-stretched (and old school) magazine executives lack, and increasingly they are assuming responsibility for spreading the magazine's message.
The interim deal concluded on November 24th between six world powers and Iran is much better than its many critics allow. It makes a permanent check on Iran's nuclear ambitions easier to imagine. But it will still be hard to achieve
A Marketing Spill on Starbucks' Hands
BusinessWeek - USA
... writer Thomas Stewart once remarked that Peter Drucker's prose tends to be so pithy, "managers can sip his wisdom with their morning coffee every day. ...
"This is the story of the period between two world wars--an interim during which insanity cut loose, liberty took a nose dive, and humanity was kicked around somewhat." With this pithy opening title, Charles Chaplin begins his first all-talking feature film, The Great Dictator.
We have removed long lists of articles and replaced them with a pithier selection. The navigation that runs down the left-hand side of the page, and throughout the site, is now completely visible right away, with no need to scroll down “below the fold”. By rolling your cursor over the main categories of content you can reveal more detailed sub-categories.
In recent years, Berlin's best-known slogan has been "Poor but Sexy." Pithy, but not necessarily the image a dignified capital wants to project to the world. The mayor asked the public if it had any better ideas.
STYLE'City' Extends Its Chic Streak
Girls, can we talk? When it comes to "Sex and the City," the breathlessly anticipated feature adaptation of the hit HBO show, the question isn't whether it's good. The question is whether it delivers the goods -- the goods being shoes, romance, ribald humor, shoes, sex, shoes, pithy observations ...
(By Ann Hornaday, The Washington Post)
The announcement was made minutes after Alistair Darling gave a non-committal interim report to the Commons on the loss of two computer discs earlier this year containing the Government’s entire child benefit database of around 25 million people.


IN BRIEF: To not form an opinion or reveal what one thinks.
━━ a. 言質を与えない, あいまいな.
Pronunciation: /ˈɪnt(ə)rɪm/
mid 16th century (denoting a provisional arrangement, originally for the adjustment of religious differences between the German Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church): from Latin, 'meanwhile'
2 仮[暫定]協定.
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
- Precisely meaningful; forceful and brief: a pithy comment.
- Consisting of or resembling pith.
describes language that refers to sex in a rude but humorous way:
He entertained us with ribald stories.
language that refers to sex in a rude but humorous way:
good-natured ribaldry
pithy ━━ a. 髄の(ような,多い); 簡潔な, きびきびした.
Rebranding the German Capital
noun [C]
a marker (= small sign), usually an arrow or a vertical line, on a computer screen which moves to show the point where work is being done:
You can move the cursor either by using the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Pronunciation: /ˌkʌnɪˈlɪŋgəs/
[mass noun]這是黃色解
Coffee run
The act of providing coffee to someone and receiving head or cunnilingus in gratitude.
An excuse to have a quickie somewhere in or around the office.
An excuse to have a quickie somewhere in or around the office.
I brought some coffee to Jeff the other day and I was rewarded with the best tongue lashing around.