A Qatar Airways plane has been forced to land midflight after a woman who used her sleeping husband’s thumb to unlock his smartphone discovered he was having an affair.
In Revival of Verdi, a New Note of Drama
By ANTHONY TOMMASINIWho would have guessed that a routine revival of “La Traviata” at the Metropolitan Opera could cause such a ruckus?
The great shift of income and wealth to the top is starting to come at the expense of college-educated workers. Take a look at this graph from the Economic Policy Institute and you'll see that recent college graduates have been losing ground on wages. Since 2002 their entry-level wages have been dropping, adjusted for inflation, even as gains at the top have been increasing and corporate profits and CEO pay have gone through the roof. At the same time, college debt has been increasing. If this isn't a recipe for a major ruckus, I don't know what is.
This is the worst trade deal you never heard of.
And it's coming soon. Be ready. Share the video and cause a ruckus.
People keep telling me Democrats lost in the midterms because of President Obama’s unpopularity. Wrong. They lost because they stopped being Democrats. At a time when inequality of income, wealth, and power is greater than it’s been in 90 years, the party of FDR had an opportunity to come out swinging for average working people, but didn’t. Although demographics is on their side (see my post yesterday), Dems may still lose in 2016 if they don’t start raising hell about what’s happening to most Americans. You agree?
the wind-ruffled blue of the English Channel
'They Eat Puppies, Don't They?'
Reviewed by ALIDA BECKER
Christopher Buckley's comic hero stirs up a ruckus with China.China Manufacturing Ruffled by Japan Disasters
ABC News
Chinese manufacturers added workers but saw scant growth in orders in April amid delays in supplies resulting from Japan's earthquake and tsunami. London-based HSBC said Friday its China Manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index remained at 51.8 in April ...
At the very least, what the HP spat shows is that there is a gap in the market for more feather-rufflers among top people. Even if CEOs feel they have to keep quiet as holding their tongues is helpful when it comes to holding on to their jobs, free speech could be something they look forward to in retirement. The job of corporate hell-raiser strikes me as much more worthwhile than the more common retirement route of joining a government taskforce and keeping lips zipped tighter than ever.
Excerpts from Robert Frost's notebooks:
He ruffled a few feathers when people started complaining about local builders...

In fact Ms. Milhazes often says her major influence is Tarsila, a Brazilian painter who came out of that movement, as well as Mondrian and Matisse.
“In the beginning,” she said, “I felt a connection between Spanish Latin American and Brazilian, which is more Portuguese: the Baroque churches, the costumes, the ruffles, things that have volume or a sculptural shape.”
Go-It-Alone Sarkozy Irks Europe With Lack of Tact
After less than a year in office, the popularity of French President
Nicolas Sarkozy is dwindling rapidly. Apart from irritating the French,
he's been ruffling feathers abroad too -- most recently in Berlin.
The DW-WORLD Article
Which explains much of the breast-beating that has ensued since the Chinese announced plans this year to buy a big chunk of it.
A loud, self-conscious demonstration of emotion, especially of remorse.
ruffle sb's feathers
to upset or annoy someone:
She knows how to ruffle his feathers.ruffle
- A strip of frilled or closely pleated fabric used for trimming or decoration.
- A ruff on a bird.
- A ruckus or fray.
- Annoyance; vexation.
- An irregularity or a slight disturbance of a surface.
v., -fled, -fling, -fles. v.tr.
- To disturb the smoothness or regularity of; ripple.
- To pleat or gather (fabric) into a ruffle.
- To erect (the feathers). Used of birds.
- To discompose; fluster: a book that is bound to ruffle some people.
- To flip through (the pages of a book).
- To shuffle (cards).
- To become irregular or rough.
- To flutter.
- To become flustered.
[From Middle English ruffelen, to roughen.]

━━ v. しわくちゃにする[なる]; 波立たす[つ]; (羽毛を)立てる ((up)); 心をかき乱す, いら立つ; いばる; (波形の)ひだべりをつける; (トランプ札を)切り混ぜる.
get ruffled 立腹する.
ruffle it いばる.
━━ n. ひだべり[飾り]; 波立ち; 動揺; 立腹.
ruf·fle2 (rŭf'əl) 

━━ n. ひだべり[飾り]; 波立ち; 動揺; 立腹.

A low continuous beating of a drum that is not as loud as a roll. Also called ruff.
tr.v., -fled, -fling, -fles.
To beat a ruffle on (a drum).
[Probably from frequentative of RUFF4.]
ruf·fle3 (rŭf'əl)

intr.v., -fled, -fling, -fles.
To behave arrogantly or roughly; swagger.
[Middle English ruffelen, to quarrel.]
raise hell
A rowdy, troublesome, or unruly person.

- A strip of frilled or closely pleated fabric used for trimming or decoration.
- A ruff on a bird.
- A ruckus or fray.
- Annoyance; vexation.
- An irregularity or a slight disturbance of a surface.
v., -fled, -fling, -fles. v.tr.
- To disturb the smoothness or regularity of; ripple.
- To pleat or gather (fabric) into a ruffle.
- To erect (the feathers). Used of birds.
- To discompose; fluster: a book that is bound to ruffle some people.
- To flip through (the pages of a book).
- To shuffle (cards).
- To become irregular or rough.
- To flutter.
- To become flustered.
[From Middle English ruffelen, to roughen.]
ruf·fle2 (rŭf'əl)

A low continuous beating of a drum that is not as loud as a roll. Also called ruff.
tr.v., -fled, -fling, -fles.
To beat a ruffle on (a drum).
[Probably from frequentative of RUFF4.]
ruf·fle3 (rŭf'əl)

intr.v., -fled, -fling, -fles.
To behave arrogantly or roughly; swagger.
[Middle English ruffelen, to quarrel.]
- 発音記号[rʌ'fl]
1 〈水面などを〉波だたせる;…をしわにする;〈髪などを〉くしゃくしゃにする((up))
2 〈人・心を〉怒らせる, かき乱す((up)).
3 〈鳥が〉〈羽を〉(怒ったりおびえたりして)立てる((時にup)).
4 〈布などに〉ひだをとる.
5 〈本のページを〉ぱらぱらめくる;〈トランプを〉切る.
1 しわくちゃになる;〈水面が〉波だつ;〈髪が〉くしゃくしゃになる.
2 〈人が〉いらだつ;((古))いばりちらす.
ruffle it (out)
いばる, いばり散らす.
1 さざ波, 波紋.
2 ひだ飾り, ひだべり(状のもの);(鳥獣の)えり羽.
3 [C][U]不安, 動揺, 困惑, いらだち, 立腹.
4 小ぜりあい;((古))けんか, 騒動.
[形]乱れた, くしゃくしゃになった;ひだべり[ひだ飾り]のついた;えり羽のある.ruck,
a large number or quantity; mass.
the great mass of undistinguished or inferior persons or things.
Pronunciation: /ˈrʌkəs /
- 発音記号[rʌ'kəs][名][U][C]