Reshape Courts at Fastest Pace in Five Decades
- Lawyers and lawmakers are working together to install conservative judges on the influential federal appeals courts at a clip not seen in decades.
GSK's Shingrix is considered much more effective than the older vaccine, Zostavax. Health officials urged consumers over age 50 to be vaccinated.
Taiwan's cultural cosiness with Japan, its 20th-century coloniser, makes it the perfect bridge for Japanese firms keen to break into mainland China
China is watching the cosying up between Australia and Japan, two of America's key Pacific allies, and it does not approve. That unsettles a number of Australians who worry about the growing dilemma of relying on China for prosperity and the United States for security
THE chill of autumn has arrived, and it’s time to make your home cozy and snug. Replace those broken shingles, seal the window frames, start the water boiling and throw in some scented nutmegy things, or a rabbit if you’ve been disappointed in love.
《彭博觀點》(Bloomberg View)網站的專欄作家佩賽克(William Pesek)昨以「台灣巴結中國沒啥好處」(What Has
Wikipedia article "Nutmeg".
帶狀皰疹 | |
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頸肩部帶狀皰疹 | |
分類和外部資源 | |
醫學專科 | 皮膚病學 |
ICD-10 | B02 |
ICD-9-CM | 053 |
DiseasesDB | [1] |
MedlinePlus | [2] |
eMedicine | [3] derm/180 emerg/823oph/257 ped/996 |
Patient UK | 帶狀皰疹 |
帶狀皰疹(英語:herpes zoster、shingles、zoster、或zona)中醫又稱纏腰火龍、纏腰火丹,俗稱蜘蛛瘡、生蛇、皮蛇、白蛇、飛蛇,是一種病毒性疾病,特徵為局部出現強烈疼痛的群聚皮膚水皰[1][2]。典型病徵為在身體左側或右側或臉部呈現帶狀的水痘[3],水痘出現後二至四天會出現麻刺感或局部疼痛[3][4],其他症狀鮮少出現[3]。紅疹通常會於二到四週內痊癒[1],然而有些人發生持續數月或數年的神經痛,這種情形稱為帶狀皰疹後的神經痛免疫抑制的患者身上可能疹子會散布較廣的範圍[3];如果疹子擴散到眼部,可能導致視力減損[1]。
帶狀皰疹通常是因人體對水痘帶狀皰疹病毒(VZV)有所反應而引起。初次感染VZV的患者可能會出現水痘。水痘痊癒後,病毒會潛伏於神經元中[3]。當病毒再度轉為活性,便會經由神經行遍全身造成疹子[4]。引起病毒活化的危險因子包含上了年紀、免疫低下、以及未滿18個月得水痘。病毒如何滯留於人體或再次活性化的成因目前仍不清楚[3]。 未得過水痘的患者會在暴露於疹子病毒的情況下得水痘,但不會引起帶狀皰疹[5]。診斷結果通常因個人體徵或症狀而異[6]。帶狀皰疹病毒與單純皰疹病毒雖同屬皰疹病毒科,但分別為不同種病毒[7]。
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n. (名詞 noun)
【植】肉豆蔻(樹)[C] There was a nutmeg growing in the garden.花園裡長著一棵肉豆蔻樹。肉豆蔻籽[C] 肉豆蔻香料[U] Season the pudding with grated fresh nutmeg.
- A thin oblong piece of material, such as wood or slate, that is laid in overlapping rows to cover the roof or sides of a house or other building.
- Informal. A small signboard, as one indicating a professional office: After passing the bar exam, she hung out her shingle.
- A woman's close-cropped haircut.
- To cover (a roof or building) with shingles.
- To cut (hair) short and close to the head.
[Middle English, from Old English scindel, scingal, from Late Latin scindula, alteration of Latin scandula (influenced by scindere, to split).]
shingler shin'gler n.shin·gle2 (shĭng'gəl)

- Beach gravel consisting of large smooth pebbles unmixed with finer material.
- A stretch of shore or beach covered with such gravel.
[Middle English.]
shingly shin'gly adj.━━ n., vt. 屋根板(でふく); (髪を)刈り上げ(にする); 〔米話〕 (医院や法律事務所などの)看板.
at a clip
- At a time; all at once.‘I spent several days with him, eight hours at a clip’