China Is the World’s Worst Polluter. Don’t Expect It to Be a Climate Crusader 2017.6
Cajoled by the U.S. for years, China has become a convert on climate change. That doesn’t mean it will fill the void as the White House turns apostate.
Of course, as most Americans understand it, Senator Obama is not a Muslim. He chose to become a Christian, and indeed has written convincingly to explain how he arrived at his choice and how important his Christian faith is to him.
His conversion, however, was a crime in Muslim eyes; it is “irtidad” or “ridda,” usually translated from the Arabic as “apostasy,” but with connotations of rebellion and treason.
泰國將以《欺君法》(lese majeste)起訴該名男子。自從去年泰國發生政變以來,極度保皇的泰國軍政府採取非常強硬的手法來執行該法。
卡夫卡的故事 古斯塔夫.亞努赫(Gustav Janouch)著張伯權譯
台北:時報文化 1983/萬象圖書出版/發行1991年
Conversations with Kafka: Notes and Reminiscences
不知何故,沒有將英譯本的 Max Brod序翻譯出。英文本在Amazon 可全文索引。I was seventeen years old, and therefore any intimacy with me was an act of Lèse majesté.
Lèse majesté 翻譯成"背義" 似乎有點怪:
The vast majority of the world’s fairy lights, fake trees, sparkly stars and other seasonal tat is made in China
Lèse majesté - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tat Noun. 1. Rubbish, junk. Abb. of tatty.
Used to refer to the kind of junk sold by crafty Cockneys to unsuspecting tourists in central London.
Used to refer to the kind of junk sold by crafty Cockneys to unsuspecting tourists in central London.
E.g. "You can't wear that old cardigan, it's tat." {Informal}
lese majesty
アクセントlése májesty 発音記号/líːz‐/【名詞】【不可算名詞】1【法律, 法学】 不敬罪,大逆罪.
2《口語》 不敬行為; 侮辱.
[フランス語 ‘injured majesty' の意]
noun lèse–ma·jes·té \ˌlāz-ˈma-jə-stē, ˌlez-, ˌlēz-\
Definition of lèse–majesté
Popularity: Bottom 10% of words
- 1a : a crime (as treason) committed against a sovereign powerb : an offense violating the dignity of a ruler as the representative of a sovereign power
- 2: a detraction from or affront to dignity or importance
noun [U] FORMAL
the act of giving up your religious or political beliefs and leaving a religion or a political party:
In those days apostasy was punishable by death.
noun [C] FORMAL
a person who has given up their religion or left a political party

━━ n. 背教; (完全な)変節; 脱党.

━━ n., a. 背教者; 変節者; 脱党者; 背教の; 変節の.
a・pos・ta・tize ━━ vt. 信仰を捨てる; 変節する.
