2017年9月1日 星期五

tutu, ballerina, repertory, sylph, faultily, La Sylphide, silva, craze

The global soft-toy market was worth almost $12bn in 2023 and is expected to grow at an annual rate of 8% until 2030. What explains the craze? https://econ.trib.al/irE8jH2

Photo: Jellycat London

You're never too old to embrace your inner ballerina

A man in a ballerina costume dances in New York's Times Square on Halloween.

By Steve Hamm, BusinessWeek When Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva met with IBM Chief Executive Samuel J. Palmisano in Brasilia on August 5, ...

Sarkozy is said to have lost seven kilos in the two years since taking office. Coached by the sylph-like first lady Carla Bruni, the slimline president appears to have kicked off a health craze in the cabinet.

Robot ballerinas take to the air

Tutus on a Deadline

Mirka Owczarek and Teodozjia Kozlowska working on costumes for "Coppélia" at the New York City Ballet costume shop. Roslyn Sulcas writes:
For many people the period between Christmas and New Year’s Day is a moment of calm, a chance to catch up on unfinished business and perhaps leave work a little early. But not at the New York City Ballet’s costume shop, as last-minute fittings for new “Nutcracker” casts coincide with preparation for the opening of the company’s repertory season on Tuesday.
Photo: Andrea Mohin/The New York Times


━━ n. (知識・情報の)蓄え, 宝庫; 貯蔵(所); 【劇】レパートリー方式; レパートリー劇団[劇場]; =repertoire.
repertory company レパートリー劇団.
repertory theater レパートリー劇場.

Ballet shoes and tutus custom decorated by top international dancers and other celebrities are on display through Sunday at Beauty & Youth United Arrows' Shibuya Koen-dori outlet. Ballet shoe company Repetto and UNESCO will jointly auction off the items in October in Paris. The proceeds are used to open dance schools in Cuba, South Africa and Brazil.(IHT/Asahi: June 13,2008)

La Sylphide is one of the world's oldest surviving romantic ballets. There are two versions of the ballet; the version choreographed by the Danish balletmaster August Bournonville (1805-1879) is the only surviving version to date.
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 I would rather dance as a ballerina, though faultily, than as a flawless clown. — Margaret Atwood

She described Lepeshinskaya, who danced with the Bolshoi for over 30 years and won several awards during her career, as an "outstanding" ballerina.
Lepeshinskaya will lie in state in the Bolshoi Theatre, in Moscow, on Tuesday and be buried on the same day.

IN BRIEF: A female dancer who usually wears a tutu and special soft shoes.

pronunciation I would rather dance as a ballerina, though faultily, than as a flawless clown. — Margaret Atwood




  1. A principal woman dancer in a ballet company.
  2. A woman ballet dancer.
[Italian, from ballare, to dance, from Late Latin ballāre, from Greek ballizein. See ball2.]

The term, which in Italian means female dancer, strictly refers to a principal female dancer in a ballet company. It is never correctly used in connection with any other form of dance.

  1. A principal woman dancer in a ballet company.
  2. A woman ballet dancer.
[Italian, from ballare, to dance, from Late Latin ballāre, from Greek ballizein. See ball2.]


(') pronunciation
Meaning #1: very short skirt worn by ballerinas
Synonym: ballet skirt

A short skirt, often consisting of many layers of gathered sheer fabric, worn by ballerinas.
[French, perhaps alteration of cucu, baby-talk reduplication of cul, buttocks. See culotte.]

n. - 由腰部撐開的芭蕾舞用短裙
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - テュテュ, トゥトゥ
The standard bodice and skirt worn by female ballet dancers. It is usually made from layers of tarlatan, muslin, silk, tulle, gauze, or nylon. It first came into prominence in the 1830s when Taglioni wore a tutu for her performance in La Sylphide. Early Romantic tutus were longer, extending down the leg towards the ankle. In the late 19th century, Classical ballet shortened the tutu to above the knee, to allow greater virtuosity of movement in the lower body and to show off the ballerina's legs. Modern tutus are frequently hip length and stand out stiffly from the hips.

sylph (sĭlf) pronunciation
  1. A slim, graceful woman or girl.
  2. In the occult philosophy of Paracelsus, a being that has air as its element.
[New Latin sylpha, perhaps blend of Latin sylvestris, of the forest (from silva, sylva, forest) and Latin nympha, nymph; see nymph.]


sil • va
1 ((集合的))(特定地域の)森林の樹木.
2 (1を記述した)植物[樹林]誌.
