For those of you without any sense of time, or easily gets distracted—this is the parking timer keychain. Program this $10 doodad with exactly how much you dropped into the parking meter and will warn you when time is getting close. It is also great for you frugal bastards that would rather underpay a parking meter and keep going out to feed it rather than overpaying and possibly wasting money. It also includes a voice memo feature for remembering where you parked your car: "Parked caddy corner from Starbucks." Just hope that Starbucks doesn't asexually reproduce like they are known to do.
– Travis Hudson
The next conference of the International Walter Benjamin Society will be held in ... 'The Agonal Moment: Benjamin on Eduard Fuchs and Honoré Daumier'
:of, relating to, or associated with agony and especially the death agony
caddie, caddy
noun [C]
a person who carries the equipment for someone who is playing golf
See picture .
caddie (
verb [I]
to be a caddie for someone
tea caddy noun [C]
a container to keep tea leaves in