Japan's second 'baby hatch' planned in Kobe
A group of medical professionals in Osaka plans to set up the nation’s second receptacle for accepting abandoned babies in Kobe.
With his halo of wiry grayish-brown hair, his tortoiseshell glasses and his intensity, Professor Lewin is the iconic brilliant scientist.
Barton Silverman/The New York Times
Scottish Deerhound Is Named Best in Show
Hickory, normally a country dog, made a splash in the big city by becoming the first Scottish deerhound to win Best in Show at the Westminster Dog Show.
Wealthy Japanese and Chinese tea drinkers will happily spend hundreds of dollars on the best spring-picked leaves, much as Western oenophiles splash out on a good bottle of wine.
Hey, Isn't That . . . ?
T.I. at the BET Inauguration Celebration Monday. (Michael Loccisano/Getty Images) T.I. making a quiet visit to Oak Hill, the District's juvenile detention center in Laurel, on Monday. The rapper, who headlined the Hip-Hop Inaugural Ball and attended a couple of other splashy events this week, went...
(Reliable Source, washingtonpost.com)
Baby hatch - Wikipedia
v., splashed, splash·ing, splash·es. v.tr.
- To propel or scatter (a fluid) about in flying masses.
- To scatter fluid onto in flying masses; wet, stain, or soil with flying fluid.
- To cause (something) to scatter fluid in flying masses: splashed their hands in the water.
- To make (one's way) with or by scattering of fluid.
- To apply patches or spots of a contrasting, usually bright, color to: a floral pattern that was splashed with pink; moonlight splashing the deserted courtyard.
- To display or publicize very noticeably: Their engagement was splashed all over the tabloids.
- To cause a fluid to scatter in flying masses: splashed about in the swimming pool.
- To fall into or move through fluid with this effect: We splashed through the waves.
- To move, spill, or fly about in scattered masses: Whipped cream splashed onto the counter.
- To produce a sound or sight associated with this effect.
- The act or sound of splashing: went for a splash in the lake; heard the splash of the fish being thrown back.
- A flying mass of fluid.
- A small amount, especially of a fluid: a splash of liqueur on the cake.
- A marking produced by or as if by scattered fluid: a splash of light.
- A great though often short-lived impression; a stir: a publicity splash.
splash down
- To land in water. Used of a spacecraft or missile.
[Probably alteration of PLASH.]
splasher splash'er n.adjective US
unnecessarily expensive, exciting, etc:
Hollywood tends to make splashy films with lots of star actors.

A dog of an old breed developed in Scotland, related to and resembling the greyhound but taller and larger and having a wiry coat. It was originally bred for hunting deer. Also called Scottish deerhound.