BREAKING: Lauren S. Scruggs ’25 will be the first Harvard Olympian at the 2024 Paris Games to win a medal after she defeated Canadian 12th-seed Eleanor Harvey in the semifinal bout of the women’s individual foil tournament on Sunday.Thomas Harris reports.
Meghan Markle's 16-foot-long veil included flowers to represent each of the 53 British Commonwealth countries, sparking debate and controversy in India. "The flowers, though beautiful, represent colonial amnesia at its worst," a classical and contemporary dancer in Chennai says.
BREAKING: Lauren S. Scruggs ’25 will be the first Harvard Olympian at the 2024 Paris Games to win a medal after she defeated Canadian 12th-seed Eleanor Harvey in the semifinal bout of the women’s individual foil tournament on Sunday.
Thomas Harris reports.
Meghan Markle's 16-foot-long veil included flowers to represent each of the 53 British Commonwealth countries, sparking debate and controversy in India. "The flowers, though beautiful, represent colonial amnesia at its worst," a classical and contemporary dancer in Chennai says.
As Catalans Voted, 'Dying With Fear' at High School Turned Polling Place
Students at the Moisès Broggi school created barricades to foil the police and used diversions to sneak ballot boxes to safety.
A writer uses superheroes as foils for communicating science.
U.S. Lawmaker Calls for New Debate Over Patriot ActBy BRIAN KNOWLTON
A critic of the government’s electronic surveillance programs, Senator Mark Udall of Colorado, said he was not convinced that a program to collect huge amounts of information about Americans’ phone calls had led to the foiling of any terror plots.
Organizers of a traveling exhibition about the human body breathed a sigh of relief on Thursday after an anonymous telephone tip-off led to the recovery of a stolen lung.
Oracle Snatches Sun, Foiling IBM
Oracle struck a surprise deal to buy Sun Microsystems for $7.38 billion, swooping in after talks between Sun and IBM stalled.
German Marines Foil Pirate Attack on Bremen-Based Ship Off Somalia
The German navy detained nine people Tuesday following a dramatic action to
head off a pirate attack on a German merchant vessel off the coast of
The DW-WORLD Article
foil (PREVENT)
verb [T]
to prevent someone or something from being successful:
The prisoners' attempt to escape was foiled at the last minute when police received a tip-off.A former partner at Ernst &Young was charged with insider trading on Thursday, accused of tipping off a friend about pending deals involving the firm's clients, including the $17.6 billion buyout of Freescale Semiconductor led by the Blackstone Group.
tip sb off phrasal verb [M]
to warn someone secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or prevent it from happening:
[+ that] Somebody must have tipped the burglars off that the house would be empty.
The robber was caught when someone tipped off the police.
noun [C usually singular] INFORMAL
a secret warning or piece of secret information:
Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug dealers.
Following a tip-off from a friend, we sold all our shares in the company.
breathe a sigh of relief︰寬慰的(或如釋重負的)鬆口氣。例句︰We all breathed a sigh of relief when she left.(當她離開時,我們全都如釋重負地鬆了口氣。)
tip-off︰密報、透露消息。例句︰Police, acting on a tip-off, foiled attemtps to blow up the building.(警方根據密報採取行動,挫敗了炸毀這棟建築物的陰謀。)
In the race to build a national defense against chemical and biological weapons, Annapolis-based PharmAthene is putting its money on an unlikely horse.
Or goat, actually, one with unique properties to enable researchers' development of a drug that would foil the neurological effects of chemical weapons.
━━ n. (金属の)箔(はく), (料理用)アルミ箔, ホイル; (鏡の)裏箔; (宝石の光沢を増すための下敷箔); 他を引立てるもの[人]; 【建】弁.

━━ vt. 箔を着せる[で裏打ちする]; 引き立たせる.foil (COMPARISON) noun [C]
something or someone that makes another's good or bad qualities more noticeable:
The older, cynical character in the play is the perfect foil for the innocent William.
The bride had only one sure ally on her wedding day. This ally was not a relative or a best friend, but a bridesmaid her parents had hired to give her protection. The bridesmaid was, by training, a professional talker; she said clever things and was able to churn out propitious jingles. She was a foil for the bride, and her chatter was the shield she created for her young mistress at the time it was most needed.
adjective FORMAL
likely to result in or showing signs of success:
With the economy in the worst recession for thirty years, it was scarcely the most propitious time to start up a company.