China disdains Hong Kong's freedom
The German nobility, some 80,000 barons, counts, and princes, may have disdained some of the Nazis’ populism, but, encouraged by a mutual anti-Semitism and an aversion to Marxists and socialists, they forged an alliance with the reich nonetheless.
查Wikipedia, Étienne or Estienne de La Boétie (1530-63)....He served with Montaigne in the Bordeaux parlement and is immortalized in Montaigne's essay on friendship. 進一步讀{論友誼},了解世間這一感人的友情。
Mem Fox, the celebrated Australian children’s author, tells how on her 117th visit to the US she was suddenly at the mercy of Donald Trump’s visa regime.
The European Nobility 1400 1800: 1400 1800
The European Nobility 1400 1800: 1400 1800
由 Jonathan Dewald 著作 - 1996 - 236 頁 - 關於此書 - 更多書籍結果 »
google books by pass page 91 for Austen search.
in the Chinese translation (2008), the index was retyped, so that p. 52 's Boswell was directed to 62.
In the Chinese translation, the "vision" was deleted.
第 52 頁
Jane Austen likewise made this vision of character one of the central themes in her fiction, and juxtaposed the man or woman ...
Scotch Tape Unleashes X-Ray Power
In a tour de force of office supply physics, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have shown that it is possible to produce X-rays by simply unrolling Scotch tape.
But in the wake of a $7 billion loss attributed to a rogue trader at one of the nation’s leading banks, Société Générale, France’s modern-day aristocracy finds itself in the one place it never wants to be: the spotlight.
While the trader, Jérôme Kerviel, now jailed, wasn’t a graduate of a top school or a member of an elite group like the Club des Cent, Société Générale’s embattled chief executive, Daniel Bouton, is both. And the fact that Mr. Bouton and other top managers of the bank have kept their posts since the scandal erupted nearly a month ago has unleashed criticism here that the French elite is an ancien régime — playing by old rules (largely its own) and quick to shift blame to protect itself.
Nike also implied that China's existing labour protection regime, although boosted by this year's implementation of a new labour contract law, falls short of standards set by the ILO.
Parlement - Wikipedia
noun [C] [F.] n. 体制; 政権, 政府; 【医】摂生, 養生法.
1 MAINLY DISAPPROVING a particular government or a system or method of government:
The old corrupt, totalitarian regime was overthrown.
2 a particular way of operating or organizing a business, etc:
The regime in this office is hard work and more hard work.
3 a regimen
The day Charles joined the sporran legion: Striking never-before published image shows future King in full regimental dress
- Picture of Prince Charles was taken in 2012 for use by the Canadian army but has appeared on cover of The Rake
- Wears dress of Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own) which he is Colonel-in-Chief
- The article in the men's magazine describes the prince's uniform as 'magnificent and substantial' and a 'style icon'
- The Queen Mother was Colonel-in-Chief for more than 60 years until her death in 2002 and Charles took over in 2005
It is a striking image of our future king in kilt and sporran, and one that has never been published before.
Wearing the regimental dress of the Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own), of which he is Colonel-in-Chief, Prince Charles stares regally at the camera.
The picture was taken in 2012 for use by the Canadian army but has only now appeared in public on the cover of The Rake, an international publication for 'affluent, stylish, intelligent' men.

The prince wearing the regimental dress of the Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own), of which he is Colonel-in-Chief
It is accompanied by an article describing the prince in his uniform as 'magnificent and substantial' – a 'style icon', even.
The Queen Mother was Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment for more than 60 years until her death in 2002. Charles, who holds honorary posts with more than 20 military organisations, took over in 2005.
This picture was taken by photographer Andrew Errington at Clarence House three years ago.
A spokesman said Charles uses this and similar military images to accompany messages that he sends to his regiments when requested.
The Rake International is a bimonthly magazine for men. Deputy editor Tom Chamberlin said: 'The Rake admires Prince Charles greatly, both in substance and in style.
The prince wearing the regimental dress of the Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own), of which he is Colonel-in-Chief
verb [T]
to release suddenly a strong, uncontrollable and usually destructive force:
At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.
Rachel's arrival on the scene had unleashed passions in him that he could scarcely control.
ancien régime (äN-syăN' rā-zhēm')

(French: "old order") Political and social system of France prior to the French Revolution. Under the regime, everyone was a subject of the king of France as well as a member of an estate and province. All rights and status flowed from the social institutions, divided into three orders: clergy, nobility, and others (the Third Estate). There was no national citizenship.