The move comes after German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas met Hong Kong activist 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong on Monday.

China lodges stern representations with Germany over meeting with Hong Kong activist
雖然新加坡媒體用make representations 來迴避protest,但新加坡代表在委內瑞拉召開的「不結盟國家組織」大會上拿南海仲裁案説事還要求列入會議紀錄的作法,終於面對中方的報復。秘魯亞太經合組織領導人非正式會議期間,李顯龍會晤宋資政後公開照片,李太太把宋的女兒介紹給習太太,李還在開幕式上把宋介紹給其他八杆子打不著的領導人,你想會是宋的個人魅力嗎?
3 representations Formal statements made to an authority, especially so as to communicate an opinion or register a protest:
‘the Law Society will make representations to the Lord Chancellor’
3.1[count noun] A statement or allegation:
‘any buyer was relying on a representation that the tapes were genuine’
make representations/a representation to sb/sth
We made representations to the boss about the long working hours.
to make an official statement to an organization about something, especially as a way of complaining :
We are making representations to the relevant authorities about this unprofessional behaviour.