Francis Picabia
Edtaonisl (Ecclesiastic), 1913
Galileo, born in Pisa in 1564, is considered one of the fathers of modern science due to his studies in physics, mathematics and particularly astronomy, where he led great advances in developing the telescope.1564年生於比薩的伽利略因其在物理、數學,以及特別在天文學的研究,而被認為是一名現代科學之父;在天文領域,他促使望遠鏡的發展有長足進步。
For 95 years after his death, ecclesiastical authorities refused to allow Galileo to be buried in consecrated ground because his findings were considered contrary to the teachings of the Catholic church. His body now lies in Florence’s Santa Croce church, opposite the tomb of Michelangelo.在伽利略死後長達95年,教會當權者拒絕讓他下葬於聖地,因為他的發現被認為與天主教教會的教導相牴觸。他的遺體現在長眠於佛羅倫斯的聖十字教堂,對面就是米開朗基羅的墓地。
ec·cle·si·as·ti·cal (ĭ-klē'zē-ăs'tĭ-kəl)

- Of or relating to a church, especially as an organized institution.
- Appropriate to a church or to use in a church: ecclesiastical architecture; ecclesiastical robes.
ecclesia ( L. ): (1) 教會;天主教。 (2) 會眾;團體。 (3) 教堂;天主堂。參閱 church. 。
Ecclesiastes :訓道篇;傳道書(基):舊約智慧書之一,主題為:「虛而又虛,萬事皆虛」,因而勸人敬畏上主。相傳為撒羅滿(所羅門)王所寫。
ecclesiastic ( -al ):聖職人士;教士;教會的。
ecclesiastical law :教律;教會法。與 Code of Cannon Law 同。
ecclesiastical tribunals :教會法庭。
Ecclesiasticus :德訓篇;息辣書:舊約智慧書之一;詳見 Sirach, Book of 。
contrary︰形容詞,對立的、天氣不作美的。例句︰The tour was postponed because of the contrary weather.(這個旅遊因天氣不佳而延期。)