A Japanese woman working to tackle “period poverty” says society must be more willing to discuss menstruation.
The 5% VAT rate on sanitary products in the UK will go in January, the chancellor will announce next week.

Date set for abolition of tampon tax
" But Debbie told be the first time she used Pursettes she got pregnant, and gave birth the next day!"
1962 - Even For Single Girls!
Pursettes tampon advertisement published in the May 1962 issue of Woman's Day magazine.
New chocolate 'relieves period pain'
A third of Chinese women have never heard of tampons. Now their sanitary towels turn out to be fakes
Chinese women get a very rough deal when it comes to dealing with periods
A once-taboo subject is emerging into the open
Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican presidential nominee.
Donald Trump Reportedly Complained To Howard Stern That ‘Vagina Is Expensive’
Oh God.
最近歐美各地針對兩種民生消費品的課稅問題引發許多討論,其一是含糖飲料稅(Soda Tax),另一是衛生棉稅(Tampon Tax)。雖然對個別消費者而言,每次僅涉及微不足道的幾塊錢,但整體加總起來卻是幾億元的公共收入增減。
Tampon tax: David Cameron announces end to VAT on sanitary ...
www.independent.co.uk › News › UK › UK Politics
Mar 21, 2016 - David Cameron has confirmed the Government will abolish the so-called tampon tax.African Studies Give Women Hope in H.I.V. Fight
Two new studies found different ways to sharply cut H.I.V. infections among women: a vaginal gel and a system of cash payments.
At least nine Michigan legislators will take part in reading the play on the Capitol steps in Lansing. | Posted Saturday, June 16, 2012, at 4:25 PM ET

Eve Ensler will take part in the reading of her 1996 play, The Vagina Monologues Photo by Toby Canham/Getty Images
There’s going to be a lot of talk about vaginas around the Capitol in
Lansing, Mich., mere days after a female lawmaker was banned from
speaking in the state House after she dared to utter the word “vagina”
during a debate on an anti-abortion bill. At least nine female
legislators are going to join playwright Even Ensler Monday night for a
reading of her famous 1996 play, The Vagina Monologues, on the Capitol steps, reports the Detroit Free Press.
State Rep. Lisa Brown, who initially sparked the controversy
Wednesday by saying, “I'm flattered that you're all so interested in my
vagina, but no means no,” will take part in the reading, reports the Detroit News.
“Censoring a woman for saying a word that is a body part that 51
percent of their constituents have is a repression that we have not and
should not ever witness in this country,” Ensler said.
Brown penned an op-ed piece for the Detroit News Saturday
in which she expresses her “outrage that this legislative body wants to
dictate not only what women can do, but also what we can say.” Although
male lawmakers “have no problem passing laws about my vagina … when I
dared mention its name, they became outraged.”
- 1.a plug of soft material inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual blood.
- 2.MEDICINEa plug of material used to stop a wound or block an opening in the body and absorb blood or secretions.
- 1.plug with a tampon.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the commune of Réunion, see Le Tampon.

A tampon is a mass of absorbent material, primarily used as a feminine hygiene product. Historically, the word "tampon" originated from the medieval French word "tampion", meaning a piece of cloth to stop a hole, a stamp, plug, or stopper.[1] At present, tampons are designed to be easily inserted into the vagina during menstruation and absorb the menstrual flow. However, using tampons may be difficult or impossible for those with untreated vaginismus or an untreated imperforate hymen. Several countries regulate tampons as medical devices. In the United States, they are considered to be a Class II medical device by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are sometimes used for hemostasis in surgery.
Pronunciation: /vəˈdʒʌɪnə/
NOUN ( plural vaginas or vaginae /vəˈdʒʌɪniː/)
Late 17th century: from Latin, literally 'sheath, scabbard'.
発音記号[vədʒáinə][名](複 〜s, -nae 〔-ni

1 《解剖学》
(1) 膣(ちつ).
(2) 鞘(しょう)(さや状の部分・器官).
(1) 膣(ちつ).
(2) 鞘(しょう)(さや状の部分・器官).
2 ((俗))(女性の)陰部, 性器. ▼((卑))でbeaver, box, cunt, pussy, snatchなど. ⇒OVIDUCT
3 《植物》葉鞘.
[ラテン語「刀剣のさや」]- virginal
- [形]1 処女[童貞]の, 処女[童貞]らしい;処女[童貞]を続ける.2 清純な, 純潔の, 汚れていない;人跡未踏の the virginal surface of the moonまだだれも...