Ophthalmologists' signs in Tainan, Taiwan
Photo by Wang Shuang-chuan (1962)
Photo by Wang Shuang-chuan (1962)
Glaukos, with help from Dr. Richard Little, an ophthalmologist at the University of California, Irvine, developed an infinitesimal titanium stent that can be implanted in the eye to drain fluid and thus reduce the pressure that leads to glaucoma.
Sponsored: Researchers in France are developing a new smart, connected stent containing sensors that can non-invasively monitor how an artery heals after stent implantation.
Research supported by AXA Research Fund
In medicine, a stent is a metal or plastic tube inserted into the lumen of an anatomic vessel or duct to keep the passageway open, and stenting is the placement of a stent. There is a wide variety of stents used for different purposes, from expandable coronary,vascular and biliary stents, to simple plastic stents used to allow the flow of urinebetween kidney and bladder. Stent is also used as a verb to describe the placement of such a device, particularly when a disease such as atherosclerosis has pathologicallynarrowed a structure such as an artery.
adjective FORMAL
extremely small:
The amounts of radioactivity present were infinitesimal.
adverb FORMAL
infinitesimally small
ophthalmologist 眼科醫師
stent 支架
glau·co·ma (glou-kō'mə, glô-)

Any of a group of eye diseases characterized by abnormally high intraocular fluid pressure, damaged optic disk, hardening of the eyeball, and partial to complete loss of vision.
[Latin glaucōma, cataract, from Greek glaukōma, from glaukos, gray.]
n. - 綠內障, 青光眼