A man was reportedly waving a "massive machete" at Tulse Hill railway station.
Cleaving to the Medieval, Journeymen Ply Their Trades in Europe
Young men and women, mostly from German-speaking countries, spend years traveling and working in exchange for room and board, following the customs of a centuries-old practice.
UPDATE: Belgian prime minister Charles Michel says "preliminary indications" suggest the machete attack on two female police officers was an act of terrorism, but that authorities are still collecting information.
A man suddenly attacked the girl with a cleaver as she rode her bicycle.2016.3.29
Floral tributes have been placed outside the Royal Military barracks in Woolwich.
A woman working in a betting shop across the road said she was left "speechless" by the way the attackers behaved after apparently butchering the soldier with cleavers.
Defense and the Sequester
The military budget not only can be cut, but should be cut, though not with this
kind of political machete.
EU Lenders Kick Troubles Down Road
as the European banking crisis shows signs of easing, lenders are
engaging in a variety of maneuvers to avoid, or at least delay, coming
to terms with potential problems lurking on their books.
Some people have taken it upon themselves to give them a new lease of life. (via Time Out London)
U.S. Plan Sees Easing of G.M. to Bankruptcy By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and JONATHAN D. GLATER
The government hopes to avoid court chaos by persuading at least some creditors to agree to a plan that would cleave General Motors into two pieces.
Obama Faces Pitfalls With ‘Surgical’ Tack on Detainees
President Obama faced criticism from the right for his plan to bring terror suspects to prisons on American soil and from the left for hewing too closely to George Bush’s approach.
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"... the story of the beautiful is already complete-hewn in the marbles of the Parthenon-and broidered, with the birds, upon the fan of Hokusai-at the foot of Fusi-Yama. ..." |
这句取自金的演讲的名言,成了整座雕塑的基本精 神。整座雕塑由三块花岗岩组成,而金的雕像,就从中间的那块巨石里刻画出形象。他把双臂盘在胸前,手握一支笔,从巨大的花岗岩中呼之欲出。“这块石头是从 绝望之山里面劈出来的希望之石。绝望之山与希望之石组合在一起,表现一句马丁·路德·金的名言,他说:‘我希望,从绝望之山中间劈出一块希望之石。’”
take it upon yourself to do something Meaning in the Cambridge ...
verb [T] hewed, hewed or hewn
to cut a large piece out of rock, stone or another hard material in a rough way:
The monument was hewn out of the side of a mountain.
v., hewed, hewn (hyūn) or hewed, hew·ing, hews. v.tr.
- To make or shape with or as if with an ax: hew a path through the underbrush.
- To cut down with an ax; fell: hew an oak.
- To strike or cut; cleave.
- To cut something by repeated blows, as of an ax.
- To adhere or conform strictly; hold: hew to the line.
[Middle English hewen, from Old English hēawan.]
hewer hew'er n.
., cleft (klĕft) or cleaved or clove (klōv), cleft or cleaved or clo·ven (klō'vən), cleav·ing, cleaves. v.tr.- To split with or as if with a sharp instrument. See synonyms at tear1.
- To make or accomplish by or as if by cutting: cleave a path through the ice.
- To pierce or penetrate: The wings cleaved the foggy air.
- Chemistry. To split (a complex molecule) into simpler molecules.
- Mineralogy. To split or separate, especially along a natural line of division.
- To penetrate or pass through something, such as water or air.
[Middle English cleven, from Old English clēofan.]
cleavable cleav'a·ble adj.cleave2 (klēv)
intr.v., cleaved, cleav·ing, cleaves.
- To adhere, cling, or stick fast.
- To be faithful: cleave to one's principles.
[Middle English cleven, from Old English cleofian.]
down the road
1. if an event is a particular period of time down the road, it will not happen until that period has passed This is a wonderful invention, but a marketable product is several years down the road yet.
2. (American) if you say that something will happen down the road, you mean it will happen in the future We may at some point buy a house but that's down the road.
See also: road
Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, 2nd ed. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2006. Reproduced with permission.
down the road
in the future down the line I was asked to gather statistical data that could be useful down the road.
Usage notes: often a time in the future is mentioned: This is a great invention, but a marketable product is several years down the road.
M'Mburugu had a machete in one hand but dropped that to thrust his fist down the leopard's mouth. He gradually managed to pull out the animal's tongue, leaving it in its death-throes.
(death-throes:名詞,處於臨終痛苦中。throe,劇痛,加s指分娩時的陣痛,或臨死時的痛苦掙扎。例句:The sick old man is in the death throes.(這名生病的老人正處於臨終痛苦中。))
Gerber Legendary Blades Recalls Machetes Due to Laceration Hazard
Pronunciation: /ˈkliːvə/
- 音節
- ma • chet • e
- 発音
- məʃéti
- macheteの変化形
- machetes (複数形)

ma·chet·e (mə-shĕt'ē, -chĕt'ē)

A large heavy knife with a broad blade, used as a weapon and an implement for cutting vegetation.
[Spanish, diminutive of macho, sledge hammer, alteration of mazo, club, probably from maza, mallet, from Vulgar Latin *mattea, mace. See mace1.]
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