The brand new translation of CAPITAL -- Vol. 1 will be out in two weeks -- is a marvelous achievement. Plus, the magisterial paratexts (foreword, intro, translator's preface, and afterword) alone are worth the price of admission:)
Princeton University Press
Like something out of a spy movie — researchers have created a camera the size of a grain of salt that produces crisp, full-color images.
In 1992, the author was approached by an American production company about his novel "Mort", a dark comedy about the scythe-wielding figure of Death. "The skeleton bit doesn't work for us", Pratchett recalled them saying. "We love it, it's high concept—just lose the Death angle"
Having survived 500 years of technological upheaval, Gutenberg's invention may withstand the digital onslaught as well. There's something about a crisply printed, tightly bound book that we don't seem eager to let go of. 在經歷了500年來科技的巨大進步後﹐谷登堡(Gutenberg)在印刷上的發明也會經受住數字圖書的衝擊。紙張易破、裝訂牢固的紙質書上似乎有一些我們不願丟棄的東西。
IBM surprised by Avantor lawsuit, calls claims exaggerated
(Reuters) - IBM, which is being sued by chemicals manufacturer Avantor Performance Materials for fraud and breach of contract in connection with a software project, said the accusations were blown out of proportion and that it was surprised by the move.
Hit Hard by 9/11, a Piece of Queens Struggles to Let Go
terrorist attacks scythed through generations of firefighters and Wall
Street traders in the largely Irish-Catholic neighborhoods on the
Rockaway peninsula. Also, the neighborhood's Muslim bagel man; and the
connection between the 9/11 families and wounded American soldiers.
The News of the World reporter who was the first to publicly claim that the British tabloid’s editor was aware of the paper’s phone hacking has reportedly been found dead.
The Guardian reported Monday afternoon that Sean Hoare, who worked for both the News of the World and the Sun before later being dismissed for alcohol and drug problems, was found dead at his home in the greater London area earlier in the day.
Police did not publicly ID the deceased, but say that they do not suspect foul play. "The death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious," an official told the Guardian. "Police investigations into this incident are ongoing."
Hoare first made his phone hacking allegations this past September. He claimed that then News of the World editor Andy Coulson had encouraged his reporters to hack into celebrities’ voice mails as part of their reporting practices.
- 1.(of a substance) firm, dry, and brittle."crisp bacon"
- 2.(of the weather) cool, fresh, and invigorating."a crisp autumn day"
- 1.BRITISHa wafer-thin slice of potato fried or baked until crisp and eaten as a snack."cut down on fatty snacks such as crisps"
- 2.a dessert of fruit baked with a crunchy topping of brown sugar, butter, and flour."rhubarb crisp"
- 1.give (food) a crisp surface by placing it in an oven or under a grill."crisp the pitta in the oven"
- 2.ARCHAICcurl (something) into short, stiff, wavy folds or crinkles."there is a cooling breeze which crisps the broad clear river"

A form of identification, especially an ID card.
tr.v., ID'ed, ID'·ing, ID's.
To check the identification of, especially in order to verify legal age; card: The bouncer ID'ed everyone who looked younger than 30.
let go
- To cease to employ; dismiss: had to let 20 workers go.

- 発音記号[sáið][名]
1 (長柄の)草刈りがま, 大がま.
2 (昔戦車の両輪につけた)戦車がま.
━━[動](他)…を草刈りがま[大がま]で刈る((down, off)).
━━(自)(…を)武力で一掃する((away/at ...));(…を)なぎ倒しながら進む((through ...)).
1 [U] [C] (…との(間の))つながり, 関係, 関連(性);(社会的な)関係, 交渉((with, between ...))
2 [U] つなぐこと, 接続, 結合.
4 (飛行機・列車・バスなどの)連絡, 接続;連絡列車[飛行機, バス, 船];((しばしば〜s))(列車などの)乗り換え
5 [U] [C] (特に結婚による)親類(関係);((通例〜s))有力な知人[親類], 縁故, コネ(pull).
6 [U] [C] (電話の)連絡, 通信
7 仲間, 団体;得意先, 顧客.
8 [U] [C] 結びつけて考えること, 連想;(語・文の)前後関係, 脈絡, 文脈;(思想・表現の)一貫性, 連続性
9 ((俗))(麻薬の)売人(ばいにん);(麻薬の)密売ルート.
in connection with ...
(1) …に関連して(in regard to).(2) 〈交通機関が〉…と連絡[接続]して.
in this [that] connection