"China's non-acceptance of and non-participation in the arbitration is to uphold the sanctity of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). UNCLOS does not apply to territorial disputes at all. Furthermore, China' s declaration in accordance with UNCLOS in 2006 excludes disputes concerning maritime delimitation from arbitral proceedings. Undeniably, the dispute between China and the Philippines is in essence a dispute over territorial and maritime delimitation issues. In fact, the Philippines' initiation of the arbitration, in total disregard of international law and the spirit of UNCLOS, undermines the authority and sanctity of the Convention. In response to the Philippines' illegal moves, China refuses to "dance with it", and follows the policy of not accepting or participating in the arbitration. This position testifies to China's strong sense of responsibility, and is the righteous act China has taken to defend the legitimate rights and interests of a State Party to UNCLOS and to uphold the authority and sanctity of this international instrument."
和平,不只是停止戰爭。和平是一種世道德行,一種心靈狀態。是善行、信念、公義的集體展現?。 史賓諾莎,哲學家
"Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. "。 Baruch Spinoza
Brown University researchers investigating how mindfulness may affect cardiovascular health have measured a significant association between a high degree of ‘everyday’ mindfulness and a higher likelihood of having normal, healthy glucose levels
血糖水平. Their analysis showed that a lower risk of obesity and greater sense of control among more mindful people may play mediating roles.倫敦傳真:英為何要抗悲觀主義 2009-02-01 中國時報 【江靜玲】 英國人面對困境和危機時的戰鬥心是旺盛的,情緒上卻極度抑制。大眾要的不僅是決心而已,而是「嚴厲的意志力」(grim determination)。
梁永安:"作者對grim determination的翻譯很不夠味。不知是否可作「拼死一搏的決心」或「悲戚的決心」之類。"
Protecting the Private Side of a Very Public Life
By ALAN FEUER and ROBIN POGREBIN Even as she plays the role of cultural ambassador, Yoko Ono has fought fiercely to protect the sanctity of her home.
In all Sunday, at least 44 Iraqis were killed or their bodies were founded dumped along roads or in the Tigris River. While the number was not high by the grim standards of the more than three-year war, the timing and targets revealed a brutal disregard for the sanctity and meaning of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which is to Muslims what Christmas is to Christians.
- set apart as or declare holy; consecrate."a small shrine was built to sanctify the site"
- make legitimate or binding by a religious ceremony."their love is sanctified by the sacrament of marriage"
- free from sin; purify."may God sanctify his soul"
--> n., pl. -ties.
- Holiness of life or disposition; saintliness.
- The quality or condition of being considered sacred; inviolability.
- Something considered sacred.
[Middle English saunctite, from Old French sainctite, from Latin sānctitās, from sānctus, sacred. See sanctify.]
See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Line breaks: dis|pos¦ition
Pronunciation: /dɪspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/
See definition in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Line breaks: dis|pos¦ition
Pronunciation: /dɪspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/
Definition of disposition in English:
Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin dispositio(n-), from disponere 'arrange' (see dispose).
Late Middle English: via Old French from Latin dispositio(n-), from disponere 'arrange' (see dispose).
adjective grimmer, grimmest
worried or worrying, without hope:
The future looks grim.
Her face was grim as she told them the bad news.
The expression on his face was one of grim determination.
Later Mr Ashby left the court, grim-faced and silent.
grimly Show phonetics
in a grim way
grimness Show phonetics
noun [U]
