"Ministers last week banned the sale or procurement of any substance that has psychoactive activity, regardless of whether it is harmless or even useful. The sole exceptions are alcohol, nicotine products and caffeine. The act is based on the false premise that legal highs are responsible for up to 100 deaths a year, when in fact the true number is fewer than 10. Media hysteria and a dislike of young people doing something different from their parents has also played a part."
邱吉爾名言 Never was so much owed by so many to so few,中文或謂無可翻譯,先生認為怎樣?那句話是一九四○年邱吉爾在國會說的,當時德軍大舉空襲英國,英國空軍奮起迎敵,獲邱吉爾由衷頌揚,句子意思不難明白:「從來沒有那麼多人欠下那麼少人那麼大的恩典。」這一句當然沒有原文那麼精簡。但這不是說中文表達力不及英文。英文得以這樣「精簡」,原因有二。第一,原文讀者一般都知道邱吉爾說話的背景,否則句子大可解作「從來沒有那麼多人欠下那麼少人那麼多的錢」等。第二,邱吉爾原文其實有稍稍交代背景: Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few,只是後人往往把 in the field of human conflict(在人類衝突事情上)這「贅詞」略去。.....古德明 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/columnist/art/20090702/12940526
Christopher Marlowe died on May 30th 1593, under suspicious circumstances. Taking the few known hard facts about his life, Rodney Bolt argues that most accounts are mistaken. Instead, Marlowe lives for years on the run from his enemies, writing "Hamlet" and other plays, and getting Shakespeare, an opportunist with little literary talent, to market them for him

The opaque world of an Elizabethan literary genius
Christopher Marlowe died on this day in 1593
Definition of legal high in English:
legal high
chiefly Britishon the run
- 1
owe it to oneself (to do something)
- Need to do something to protect one’s own interests:you owe it to yourself to take care of your body
- 3
owe one a living
- Used to express disapproval of someone who expects to receive financial support or other benefits without doing any work:they think the world owes them a living
Old English āgan 'own, have it as an obligation', of Germanic origin; from an Indo-Europeanroot shared by Sanskrit īs 'possess, own'. Compare with ought1.