Chinese officials obsess over the differences of opinion within the Trump administration, not realising that the hardening of the mood in Washington predates, and will outlast, Donald Trump

In Washington, talk of a China threat cuts across the political divide
Amid accusations of theft and espionage, opinions have hardened
Olympic marathon runners are no less obsessed about shoes than the gal pals in “Sex and the City.”
'Soundscapes' opens next week. Book your tickets here:
Ingres painted six works in our collection, but he was also an accomplished violinist. The French phrase for having a second string to one's bow is a 'violon d'Ingres'.
Ingres painted six works in our collection, but he was also an accomplished violinist. The French phrase for having a second string to one's bow is a 'violon d'Ingres'.
unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something:
Why are people so obsessed with money?
As a society we're obsessed by sex.
verb [I or T]
If something or someone obsesses you, or if you obsess about something or someone, you think about them all the time:
The whole relationship obsessed me for years.
She used to obsess about her weight.
To "obsess over" something means to spend too much time worrying about details.
noun [C or U]
something or someone that you think about all the time:
an unhealthy obsession with death
her chocolate obsession
He's always wanted to find his natural mother but recently it's become an obsession.
adjective (ALSO obsessional)
obsessive secrecy
He's obsessive about punctuality.
obsessional behaviour
adverb (ALSO obsessionally)
To "obsess over" something means to spend too much time worrying about details.
n. Informal.
A girl.
[Alteration of GIRL.]
1 a friend:
You're my best pal.
It's my old pal Pete!
2 sometimes used when talking to a man who is annoying you:
Look, pal, you're asking for trouble.
pally Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL
They've become very pally (with each other).
Suddenly she started acting very pally towards me.
