為提供企業更完善的教育訓練諮詢,與客製化的企業內訓、外訓專案設計,中國文化大學推廣教育部在教育訓練團隊師資的聘任與篩選上十分嚴謹,除通過「國家訓練品質系統(Taiwan Train Quality System, TTQS)」、獲得ISO 9001國際品質認證外,也連續五年被教育部評鑑為全國 ...
這train 應該是training 才對
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees announced a new partnership with the search engine this week. The goal: To use Google's globe-mapping software to illustrate the plight of parts of the planet's population...
Click on the United Nations' "visit a camp" button in Google Earth, for example, and an online depiction of the globe spins and zeroes in on a satellite view of a refugee camp in Chad. There, visitors learn about the refugees who have fled to that country from western Sudan's Darfur region. Click on a button and users can find out how much money it costs to install, say, a new water source at the camp. Click again and users can donate that amount.
U.N. Teams With Google Earth To Track Refugees
10.06. - Eco-friendly Kitchen EquipmentRestaurant owners and operators of large canteens are constantly on the
lookout for ways and means to minimise the risk of infections resulting
from the preparation of food.
The DW-WORLD Article
canteen was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.

1 [C or U] a place where people stay in tents or other temporary structures:
We pitched/set up camp (= put up our tents) by the lakeside.
2 [C] an area where people are kept temporarily for a particular reason:
a labour/prison/refugee camp
3 [C or U] a place where soldiers stay when they are training or fighting a war:
an army camp
verb [I]
to put up a tent and stay in it for a short while, for example while on holiday:
We camped on one of the lower slopes of the mountain.
noun [U]
when you stay in a tent on holiday:
We used to go camping in Spain when I was a child.
camping equipment
noun [C]
1 a person who stays in a tent or in a holiday camp on holiday
2 (UK ALSO camper van) a motorhome
3 (ALSO trailer) US FOR caravan (VEHICLE)
Met Gala上的“坎普”美學
Camp源於法語俚語“se camper”,在時尚和藝術界用以描述誇張、華麗、極度戲劇化的審美風格。在今年的大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴紅毯上,明星們極盡誇張,大顯“坎普”。
se camper (自動檢出:丹麥語)之 Google Translate
日文:彼らのキャンピングカー 發音,還好啦!
英文:their camper 什?
中文:他們的露營者 什?
Camp was the theme at the 2019 Met Gala in New York. Lady Gaga, Billy Porter and Céline Dion made heads turn on the pink carpet. Camp is an aesthetic that relies on artifice and exaggeration. Here are some of the most talked about looks of the night. Which is your favorite?
Camp:Met Gala上的“坎普”美學
Lady Gaga邊走邊脫,連換4套裝扮;凱蒂·佩里身著設計師量身打造的“燭台裝”,化身行走的水晶吊燈;傑瑞德·萊託一襲中世紀猩紅華服,手上捧著自己的“頭顱”;埃茲拉·米勒七隻眼睛配紅唇,每秒都讓人目眩頭暈......
在2019大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴(Met Gala)紅毯上,“戲精”們使出渾身解數來博人眼球。今年,晚宴將主題定為“坎普:時尚札記”(Camp: Notes on Fashion),這才有了上述那些極盡誇張奇異之能事的紅毯圖景。
“坎普”究竟為何物 ? Camp源於法語俚語“se camper”,在時尚和藝術界用以描述誇張、華麗、極度戲劇化的審美風格。根據牛津詞典,在代指審美風格時,camp的意思是“故意誇張和戲劇化的”或“男性的打扮或態度過分誇張而顯得女性化”。
train (PREPARE) Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to prepare or be prepared for a job, activity or sport, by learning skills and/or by mental or physical exercise:
She trained as a pilot.
[+ to infinitive] Isn't Michael training to be a lawyer?
[R + to infinitive] I've had to train myself to be more assertive at work.
She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week.
HUMOROUS I'm trying to train my boyfriend to do the occasional bit of housework.
I didn't realize Philippa was a trained nurse.
Are you trained in the use of this equipment?
HUMOROUS "Did I hear you say your children cleared up after the party?" "Oh yes, I've got them well-trained!"
noun [C]
a person who is learning and practising the skills of a particular job:
a trainee dentist/electrician
noun [C]
a person who teaches skills to people or animals and prepares them for a job, activity or sport:
They showed pictures of the horse and its trainer (= the person who prepared it for its races).
A lot of wealthy people have their own personal trainer (= a person they employ to help them exercise).
See also trainer.
noun [U]
the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity:
a training course
a teacher-training college
New staff have/receive a week's training in how to use the computers.