His own book makes little attempt, beyond a brief engagement with Foucault, to situate itself in the context of those 30 years of theory and debate. It is rather the fruit of his own wide and curious search for a vanished gay civilisation, and is marked by his characteristic wit, scholarship and good sense.
I suggested to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee this week that the U.K. simply own up to its impotence in Brussels.
own up
- sit • u • ate
- 発音
- sítʃuèit
- situateの変化形
- situated (過去形) • situated (過去分詞) • situating (現在分詞) • situates (三人称単数現在)
lex [lɛks]
n pl leges [ˈliːdʒiːz]
1. (Law) a system or body of laws
2. (Law) a particular specified law
**簡介lex:法、\"有威信之言\" 之相關語
Lex 這個拉丁文字詞原本應該是從希臘文的 lexis 借用的,原意和日文漢字的 \\\"言葉\\\" 差不多。其變體有 leg-a-, leg-e-, leg-i-, leg-o-, leg-u-, lex-a-, lex-e-, lex-i, lex-o- 和 lex-u-,用在創造新詞上的。
借用到古羅馬人語言之後的理解:lex 為 \\\"lex (leges pl.): a law promulgated by a competent authority (comitia curiata/comitia centuriata/ concilium plebis) following a discussion of its provisions. Roman legislation only fulfilled a limited role in the development of private law (with the exception of the Twelve Tables). It was used to solve pressing social or political problems and generally had narrow application. Furthermore, litigants using the provisions of a piece of legislation as the basis of their claim had to follow its wording precisely. A distinction was drawn between laws that were initially proposed as bills by officials with the required authority (lex rogata) and those that were drafted by commissions and introduced to the assemblies with the authority of the senate (lex data).\\\"
(http://www.oup.com/uk/booksites/content/0199276072/resources/glossary/borkowski_v5.htm#L )
--- 可說是 \\\"有威信之言\\\" 故名之曰 \\\"法\\\"。Lexicon 和這個 lex 也有關係呢。研究起來,天會黑一邊。
***** hc增添自 Webster\\\'s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)和 Collin之 :aw Dictionary等等
LEX (Noun)
1. Law; as,
The major laws governing foreign investment in Switzerland are the Swiss code of obligations, the Lex Friedrich, the securities law and the cartel law.
lex fori, the law of the forum or court 審判地法 [New Latin, law of the court] The law of the court in which a proceeding is brought ;
lex loci, the law of the place;
lex loci actus, the law of the place where the act took place 行為地法;
lex loci contractus, the law of the place where contract was made 契約/合同簽訂地法;
lex loci delicti, the law of the place where the crime was committed 犯罪地法;
lex mercatoria, the law or custom of merchants.
Lex situs (Latin) refers to the law of the place in which property is situated. For example, property is subject to tax pursuant to the law of the place of the property or the domicile of its owner.
In law, the situs (Latin for position or site) of property is where the property is treated as being located for legal purposes. This may be important when determining which laws apply to the property, since the situs of an object determines the lex situs, that is, the law applicable in the jurisdiction where the object is located, which may differ from the lex fori, the law applicable in the jurisdiction where a legal action is brought. For example, real estate in England is subject to English law, real estate in Scotland is subject to Scottish law, and real estate in France is subject to French law.
lex talionis, the law of retaliation*;
lex terrae, the law of the land;
*lex talionis (leks tal-ee-O-nis) noun
The law of retaliation that the punishment should correspond to the
crime, as an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Also called talion.
[From Latin, lex (law) + talionis (retaliation).]
\\\"We are entreated to turn the other cheek and do unto others as we
would have them do unto us, yet simultaneously understand lex talionis and the quotidian mayhem depicted on television, in fact and
Shelley Neiderbach; Seeing Can Free Victims From Thirst for Revenge;
Newsday (New York); May 10, 2001.
Salus populi suprema lex, is certainly so just and fundamental a rule, that he, who sincerely follows it, cannot dangerously err. (Second Treatise of GovernmentbyJohn Locke,1690 ))
【\\\"Salus Populi Suprema Lex\\\": the health of the people is the supreme law.
參考Salus populi suprema lex esto
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law (Missouri 州之motto) 】
LEX 為一姓氏,如:
For the most part, these companies operate on small sites but a recent market development has been the growing number of vehicle supermarkets, usually located out of town offering a wide variety of used vehicles for sale. The biggest dealer groups include Arriva, Lancaster, Lex, Pendragon and Reg Vardy.
再談lex:lex domicilii 和 diminimus,
[Latin][名](複le・ges 〔lí
z〕)法, 法律(law).
**簡介lex:法、\"有威信之言\" 之相關語
Lex 這個拉丁文字詞原本應該是從希臘文的 lexis 借用的,原意和日文漢字的 \\\"言葉\\\" 差不多。其變體有 leg-a-, leg-e-, leg-i-, leg-o-, leg-u-, lex-a-, lex-e-, lex-i, lex-o- 和 lex-u-,用在創造新詞上的。
借用到古羅馬人語言之後的理解:lex 為 \\\"lex (leges pl.): a law promulgated by a competent authority (comitia curiata/comitia centuriata/ concilium plebis) following a discussion of its provisions. Roman legislation only fulfilled a limited role in the development of private law (with the exception of the Twelve Tables). It was used to solve pressing social or political problems and generally had narrow application. Furthermore, litigants using the provisions of a piece of legislation as the basis of their claim had to follow its wording precisely. A distinction was drawn between laws that were initially proposed as bills by officials with the required authority (lex rogata) and those that were drafted by commissions and introduced to the assemblies with the authority of the senate (lex data).\\\"
--- 可說是 \\\"有威信之言\\\" 故名之曰 \\\"法\\\"。Lexicon 和這個 lex 也有關係呢。研究起來,天會黑一邊。
***** hc增添自 Webster\\\'s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)和 Collin之 :aw Dictionary等等
LEX (Noun)
1. Law; as,
The major laws governing foreign investment in Switzerland are the Swiss code of obligations, the Lex Friedrich, the securities law and the cartel law.
lex fori, the law of the forum or court 審判地法 [New Latin, law of the court] The law of the court in which a proceeding is brought ;
lex loci, the law of the place;
lex loci actus, the law of the place where the act took place 行為地法;
lex loci contractus, the law of the place where contract was made 契約/合同簽訂地法;
lex loci delicti, the law of the place where the crime was committed 犯罪地法;
lex mercatoria, the law or custom of merchants.
Lex situs (Latin) refers to the law of the place in which property is situated. For example, property is subject to tax pursuant to the law of the place of the property or the domicile of its owner.
In law, the situs (Latin for position or site) of property is where the property is treated as being located for legal purposes. This may be important when determining which laws apply to the property, since the situs of an object determines the lex situs, that is, the law applicable in the jurisdiction where the object is located, which may differ from the lex fori, the law applicable in the jurisdiction where a legal action is brought. For example, real estate in England is subject to English law, real estate in Scotland is subject to Scottish law, and real estate in France is subject to French law.
lex talionis, the law of retaliation*;
lex terrae, the law of the land;
*lex talionis (leks tal-ee-O-nis) noun
The law of retaliation that the punishment should correspond to the
crime, as an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Also called talion.
[From Latin, lex (law) + talionis (retaliation).]
\\\"We are entreated to turn the other cheek and do unto others as we
would have them do unto us, yet simultaneously understand lex talionis and the quotidian mayhem depicted on television, in fact and
Shelley Neiderbach; Seeing Can Free Victims From Thirst for Revenge;
Newsday (New York); May 10, 2001.
箴 言 Proverbs13:14
(Latin / Vulgate/ 405 ) Lex sapientis fons vitae ut declinet a ruina mortis
[hb5] 智慧人的法則、〔或作指教〕是生命的泉源、
[kjv] The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
[bbe] The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning men away from the nets of death.
Salus populi suprema lex, is certainly so just and fundamental a rule, that he, who sincerely follows it, cannot dangerously err. (Second Treatise of GovernmentbyJohn Locke,1690 ))
【\\\"Salus Populi Suprema Lex\\\": the health of the people is the supreme law.
參考Salus populi suprema lex esto
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law (Missouri 州之motto) 】
LEX 為一姓氏,如:
For the most part, these companies operate on small sites but a recent market development has been the growing number of vehicle supermarkets, usually located out of town offering a wide variety of used vehicles for sale. The biggest dealer groups include Arriva, Lancaster, Lex, Pendragon and Reg Vardy.
再談lex:lex domicilii 和 diminimus,