Out of respect for life, one woman decides to forgo prenatal testing
prenatal DNA sequencing
The survey of 1,500 grandparents also found that children chose to research what life was like for their elderly relatives in their youth rather than asking the grandparents themselves, with just 33 percent of grandparents having been asked: ’What was it like when you were young?’
1 informal a child or young person:《中英對照讀新聞》UK kids turn to Google instead of grandparents for advice英國年輕人樂於求教於Google 而不是祖父母
這篇多談: children
Why Nearly 90% of Asian Kids Are Nearsighted
By Alice Park
Back in the 18th century, Adam Smith propounded a very different idea: products had an unshakable value equal to the cost of the labor put into them. Much of Porter’s book can be seen as a vehicle for the author to explain to Smith just how wrong he was. Porter marshals an impressive array of research to show all the ways consumers can be shortsighted, self-indulgent, oblivious and inconsistent — not to mention hugely vulnerable to profit-eyed marketers.
Having eyes of a specified number or kind. Often used in combination: one-eyed; blue-eyed.