et cetera, et cetera 英文人行道
Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
2014年7月27日 星期日
a man of (many) parts A list of phrases about parts of the body
a man of
A man with great ability in many different areas:
he was a man of parts—a painter, Egyptologist, and biographer
A list of phrases about parts of the body
Judging by the number of phrases that relate to the human body - and there are more of them than of virtually any other topic - we may be just a touch just self-centered. Here's a select list, with their meanings and origins:
A bunch of fives
A foot in the door
A man after my own heart
A no-brainer
A safe pair of hands
A shot in the arm
A sight for sore eyes
A skeleton in the closet
A word in your shell-like
About face
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Achilles' heel
All fingers and thumbs
An albatross around one's neck
An arm and a leg
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Ankle biter
Arms akimbo
Be still, my beating heart
Beauty is only skin deep
Blood and thunder
Blow your mind
Bone dry
Bone idle
Bone up on
Born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
Break a leg
Bums on seats
Bury your head in the sand
By the short hairs
By the skin of your teeth
Cold shoulder
Cost an arm and a leg
Cut off your nose to spite your face
Face the music
Fie, foh, fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman
Fingers and thumbs
Flesh and blood
Foam at the mouth
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears
Fruits of your loins
Get off on the wrong foot
Go and boil your head
Go out on a limb
Gregory Peck
Guts for garters
Hairy eyeball
Hand over fist
Hands down
Hard hearted
Has the cat got your tongue?
Head over heels
Heads up
Heart's content
High five
Hot on the heels
Hung, drawn and quartered
I spy with my little eye
I will wear my heart upon my sleeve
In my minds eye
In the twinkling of an eye
In your face
Joined at the hip
Keep a stiff upper lip
Keep body and soul together
Keep your chin up
Keep your hands clean
Keep your nose clean
Keep your nose to the grindstone
Keep your pecker up
Kick your heels
Knee-jerk reaction
Knuckle down
Knuckle under
Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing
Let your hair down
Loaf of bread
Long in the tooth
Lose face
Make your hair stand on end
Music has charms to soothe the savage breast
My mind's eye
Nosy parker
Off with his head
On the shoulders of giants
One's heart's content
Out of sight, out of mind
Plates of meat
Play by ear
Pound of flesh
Prick up your ears
Pull the wool over your eyes
Put up your dukes
Put your back up
Put your best foot forward
Put your nose out of joint
Rack your brains
Rule of thumb
Save face
Set your teeth on edge
Shake a leg
Shit for brains
Shot in the arm
Shut your cake-hole
Sight for sore eyes A
Skeleton in the closet
Skin and blister
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Sticks and stones may break my bones
Stiff upper lip
Stiffen the sinews
Take the bit between your teeth
Take the upper hand
Talk to the hand
The apple of my eye
The beast with two backs
The face that launched a thousand ships
The upper hand
Thorn in the flesh
Thumbs up
Toe the line
Tongue in cheek
Turn a blind eye
Two heads are better than one
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
Warts and all
Wear your heart on your sleeve
Win hands down
You can't get blood out of a stone
You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent
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