A Nanny Who's Always on Vacation
A travel nanny can parachute into a family trip and turn it into an actual vacation for parents, too.
Hammer Drops on Tom DeLay
The former House Majority leader has been found guilty of illegally channeling corporate donations to Texas state candidates, and could face up to life in prison.

- 音節
- par • a • chute
- 発音
- pǽrəʃùːt
- レベル
- 社会人必須
- parachuteの変化形
- parachutes (複数形) • parachuted (過去形) • parachuted (過去分詞) • parachuting (現在分詞) • parachutes (三人称単数現在)
2 《時計》耐衝撃装置.
3 《植物》(タンポポなどの)風散種子;《動物》(コウモリなどの)飛膜.
4 雇用条件.
5 ((米俗))ヘロインとクラックを混合した麻薬.
1 〈人・物を〉パラシュートで投下する((to, into ...)).
2 〈官僚などを〉天下りさせる.
━━(自)パラシュートで降りる((into, on ...)).
[フランス語para-(対して)+chute(落ちる)=落下に反対するもの. △PARASOL]drop
- drop hammer 落錘/ 落としハンマー
v., dropped, drop·ping, drops. v.intr.
- To fall in drops.
- To fall from a higher to a lower place or position.
- To become less, as in number, intensity, or volume.
- To descend from one level to another.
- To fall or sink into a state of exhaustion or death.
- To pass or slip into a specified state or condition: dropped into a doze; drop out of sight.
- Sports. To fall or roll into a basket or hole. Used of a ball.
- To let fall by releasing hold of.
- To let fall in drops.
- To cause to become less; reduce: drop the rate of production.
- To cause to fall, as by hitting or shooting.
- Sports. To hurl or strike (a ball) into a basket or hole.
- To give birth to. Used of animals.
- To say or offer casually: drop a hint; drop a name.
- To write at one's leisure: drop me a note.
- To cease consideration or treatment of: dropped the matter altogether.
- To terminate an association or a relationship with. See synonyms at dismiss.
- To leave unfinished: drop everything and help.
- To leave out (a letter, for example) in speaking or writing.
- To leave or set down at a particular place; unload.
- Informal. To spend, especially lavishly or rashly: "dropping $50,000 in an Atlantic City casino" (George F. Will).
- To parachute.
- To lower the level of (the voice).
- To lose (a game or contest, for example).
- Slang. To take, as a drug, by mouth: drop acid.