The new book Geeks and Geezers by Warren Bennis and Robert Thomas, argues that all the leaders they studied, whether "geeks" (under thirty) or "geezers" (over seventy), have the ability to engage others in shared meaning; a distinctive and compelling voice; a sense of integrity; and "neoteny," a trait that makes them "addicted to life" and able to recruit protectors, nurturers, and believers through a long and productive leadership career.
In the stationary phase, the army ant queen's abdomen swells to hold 55 000 to 66 000 eggs. As the eggs develop into mature ants, tens of thousands of adult workers appear, triggering the nomadic phase: colony activity increases exponentially, and "swarm raids" increase in size and intensity. With a colony of this size, the army ant colony must emigrate daily. The migration continues until "larval pupation" begins. Once this occurs, the colony re-enters the stationary phase, and the cycle repeats.
The Ant And The Chrysalis
Appearances can be deceiving.
I look forward eagerly to reading tanka poems by two young sisters whose works appear frequently in the Asahi Kadan poetry section of the vernacular Asahi Shimbun. That feeling is apparently shared by the section's panel of judges.
"My little sister wants to become an adult right now/ I want to remain a pupa," wrote Riko Matsuda, 13. Her younger sister, Wako, 10, wrote: "I'm a slow runner. I want to chat with a fish that is poor at swimming."
- 音節
- chrys • a • lis
- 発音
- krísəlis
- chrysalisの変化形
- chrysalises (複数形)
[名](複〜・es, chry・sal・i・des 〔krisǽlidì
1 《昆虫》さなぎ(pupa)(▼larvaになったあとの形態);その外被. ⇒COCOON 1
2 準備[過渡]期.pupa 蛹
A pupa (Latin pupa for doll, pl: pupae or pupas) is the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation. The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, going through four life stages; embryo, larva, pupa and imago. (For a list of such insects see Holometabolism).
- 音節
- pu • pate
- 発音
- pjúːpeit
- pupateの変化形
- pupating (現在分詞) • pupates (三人称単数現在)
[動](自)さなぎになる, 蛹化(ようか)する.
Syllabification: (pu·pate)
Pronunciation: /ˈpyo͞oˌpāt/
Translate pupate | into German verb
[no object]Derivatives
- [lɑ'ːrvə]
[名](複-vae 〔-vi〕)
1 《昆虫》幼虫;《動物》幼生(オタマジャクシなど).2 無脊椎(せきつい)動物の子.3 ((larvae))《古代ローマ》悪霊.[ラテン語larva「幽霊」より]
- [lɑ'ːrvəl]
[形]1 幼虫の, 幼生期の.2 (またlár・vate)〈病気が〉潜在性の;はっきりしない.
1. Immature of its kind; especially being or characteristic of immature insects in the newly hatched wormlike feeding stage; "larval societies"; "larval crayfishes"; "the larval stage".2. Relating to or typical of a larva; "the larval eye".
ne·ot·e·ny (nē-ŏt'n-ē)
- Retention of juvenile characteristics in the adults of a species, as among certain amphibians.
- The attainment of sexual maturity by an organism still in its larval stage.
late 19th century: from German Neotenie, from Greekneos 'new' (in the sense 'juvenile') + teinein 'extend'.
- 発音記号[spíːʃiː]
in specie(1) 同種のもので;(お金でなく)品物で.
(2) (紙幣・手形でなく)正金で.
(3) 同じやり方で.
(4) 種類としては;本質的には.
(5) 《法律》(形式上)まったく規定どおりに.
The human microbiome
Me, myself, us
Looking at human beings as ecosystems that contain many collaborating and competing species could change the practice of medicine (50)
- レベル:大学入試程度
- 発音記号[spíːʃiːz]
(▼発音注意)[名](複 〜 〔〜〕)3 《論理学》種(概念):genusの下位概念.4 《教会》聖体の外観[形色];[U]ミサ用のパンとぶどう酒.5 《法律》形式.[ラテン語specere(見える)+-ēs名詞語尾=見えるもの→様相. △SCOPE, SPECIFY]