In 1988, Lauren Bacall made a memorable appearance at Leonard Bernstein's 70th birthday gala at Tanglewood, serenading him with "The Saga of Lenny." The video has been making the rounds since Bacall's death on Tuesday at the age of 89.
Bernstein At 70-Serenaded by Lauren Bacall
1988年Leonard Bernstein(伯恩斯坦1918-1990)70歲生日,他的鄰居Lauren Bacall (1924 -2014)64歲,在慶生會上唱一曲,消遣壽星----他樂不可支。Luxembourg by Bike: 3 Days and 100 Miles
Riding border to border through a dozen towns, picture-perfect farmland and one alphorn trio serenade.
His music now entered a mature lyrical phase, as in the Five Tudor Portraits; the Serenade to Music (a setting of a scene from act five of The Merchant of Venice, for orchestra and sixteen vocal soloists and composed as a tribute to the conductor Sir Henry Wood); and the Symphony No. 5 in D, which he conducted at the Proms in 1943. As he was now 70, many people considered it a swan song, but he renewed himself again and entered yet another period of exploratory harmony and instrumentation. His very successful Symphony No. 6 of 1946 received a hundred performances in the first year. It surprised both admirers and critics, many of whom suggested that this symphony (especially its last movement) was a grim vision of the aftermath of an atomic war: typically, Vaughan Williams himself refused to recognise any programme behind this work.
1. Serenade in G, K.525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" - 1. AllegroAcademy of St. Martin in the Fields 5:46$0.99
Barnes & Noble Considers Spinning Off Its Nook Unit The company said that it is beginning "strategic exploratory work" to separate the Nook division to help the e-reader business grow. But a spinoff would raise questions about Barnes & Noble's ultimate fate.
January 6, 2012 -- 3:00 p.m. EST |
Barnes & Noble warned of a deeper-than-expected loss for its fiscal year and said it is weighing splitting off its Nook business.splitting off
━━ vt. (-m(m)-) (計画を)立てる; プログラムに組みこむ; 【コンピュータ】プログラムを供給する[を作る].
a.[L. exploratorius.]
Serving or intended to explore; searching; examining; explorative. Sir H. Wotton.
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[sèrənéid]
1 男が夜, 恋人の家の窓の下などで恋人をたたえるときの歌または演奏;そのような演奏にふさわしい音楽, 小夜曲.
2 =serenata 2.
[フランス語sérénade←イタリア語SERENATA (sereno「戸外」←「澄んだ」). 意味上はsera「夕べ」の影響が考えられる. △SERENE]
Line breaks: ser¦en|ade
Pronunciation: /sɛrəˈneɪd
mid 17th century: from French sérénade, from Italianserenata, from sereno 'serene'.