“Your underarm holds a nest of burned leaves / I rub my face against. I smolder in the key of animal.”
Leaders of China, Japan hold their first face-to-face talks since taking office, amid smoldering tensions between the two nations:cnn.it/1ze1dEl

Every year, the town of Seinajoki transforms several square blocks
into a vast dance hall, and thousands of people gather to dance to the
smoldering rhythms of the tango.
Hazard: The LED night lights can overheat, smolder, and melt which may cause minor burns to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received five reports of the recalled LED night lights overheating, smoldering or melting. No injuries have been reported.
U.K. Reforms Need to Slow, Bankers Urge
Some of the U.K.'s leading bankers have urged the FSA to slow its efforts to overhaul markets, warning that too much regulation would suffocate banks.
Suffocating dead zones spread across world's oceans
Critically low oxygen levels now pose as great a threat to life in the world's oceans as overfishing and habitat loss, say experts
“死 亡區” 《衛報》有一篇文章說,由於人造的污染,使得全球的海洋中產生許多"死亡區",這些"死亡區"裡的氧氣含量極低,科學家警告說這會給海洋生物帶來災難性的 後果。 文章說全世界"死亡區"加起來的總和相當於新西蘭的面積,專家們說這對海洋生物構成威脅。 文章說這些"死亡區"主要是由大量的藻類構成,而藻類主要是由於污染物比如化肥等死亡和腐化之後形成的。
Early 17th century: apparently a variant of dialect parrock, of unknown ultimate origin.
suffocate (DIE)
verb [I or T]
to (cause someone to) die because of a lack of oxygen:
The report said that the victims had suffocated in the fumes.
She suffocated him by holding a pillow over his head until he stopped moving.
adjective INFORMAL
Something that is suffocating makes you feel uncomfortably hot or unable to breathe properly:
I've got to open the window - it's suffocating in here!
suffocating smoke/fumes
also smoul·der (smōl'dər)

intr.v., -dered, also -dered, -der·ing, -der·ing, -ders, -ders.
- To burn with little smoke and no flame.
- To exist in a suppressed state: Revolution smoldered in the masses.
- To show signs of repressed anger or hatred.
Thick smoke resulting from a slow fire.
[Middle English smolderen, to suffocate, from smolder, smoke, probably alteration of smorther, from Old English smorian, to smoke.]