The impressive polychrome bottle has a modeled feline head at the neck and a flattened canteenlike chamber.
Featured Artwork of the Day: Feline Bottle | 8th-10th century | Peru
With an Eye on a New Home, CBGB Owners Plan a Summer Festival
The new owners hope the four-day festival, scheduled to begin on July 5,
will revive the wide-open artistic aesthetic associated with CBGB.
The storefront and large space next door to the club served as the "CBGB
Record Canteen" (record shop and cafe) for many years. Eventually, in
the late eighties, the record store was closed and replaced with a
second performance space and art gallery, named "CB's 313 Gallery".
New York Times
By STEVE LOHR IN the wide-open Web, choice and competition are said to be merely “one click away,” to use Google's favorite phrase. But in practice, the power of digital distribution channels, default product settings and traditional human behavior ...
1931/9/17日 四 雨早讀 Loci Critici 下午閱報及文學史….此為George Saintsbury 批評史之副冊
At the turn of the century, Saintsbury edited and introduced an English edition of Honoré de Balzac's novel series La Comédie humaine, translated by Ellen Marriage and published in 1895-8 by J. M. Dent. He went on to edit the series of "Periods of European Literature," contributing the volumes on The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory (1897), and The Earlier Renaissance (1901). He subsequently produced some of his most important works, A History of Criticism (3 vols., 1900–1904), with the companion volume Loci Critici, Passages Illustrative of Critical Theory and Practice (Boston, U.S.A., and London, 1903), and A History of English Prosody from the 12th Century to the Present Day (i., 1906; ii., 1908; iii., 1910); also The Later Nineteenth Century (1909).
Definition of rite
Middle English: from Latin ritus '(religious) usage'
locus (拉丁)
- [lóukəs]
[名](複-ci 〔-sai〕, -ca 〔k

1 ((形式))場所, 位置;《数学》軌跡.
2 《遺伝学》(染色体内の)遺伝子座, 座.
- Completely open: a wide-open door.
- Being without laws or law enforcement: a wide-open frontier town.
Line breaks: can|teen
Pronunciation: /kanˈtiːn
1A restaurant provided by an organization such as acollege, factory, or company for its students or staff.
2A small water bottle, as used by soldiers or campers.
Water is necessary for all life on Earth. Humans can survive for several weeks without food, but for only a few days without water. A constant supply is needed to replenish the fluids lost through normal physiological activities, such as respiration, sweating and urination. In terms of mineral nutrients intake, it is unclear what the drinking water contribution is.
Most of our customers prefer the LC-1 ALICE water canteen and cover combination. The LC-1 has a convenient pockets were weater purification tablets can be stored.
Water Canteen
Soldiers have always found it necessary to carry water when on campaign.