A Bowl of Chili |
The UK Independence Party (UKIP), is a supple gymnast. Its boozy, cheerful leader, Nigel Farage, can bend towards Labour and Tory voters simultaneously. Eventually he will pull a musclehttp://econ.st/1EogV3i
What are the basic ingredients in chili? Traditional chili, the food that humorist Will Rogers reportedly called "a bowl of blessedness," includes some meat (hence, its full name, chili con carne — chili with meat), chili peppers or chili powder, garlic, cumin, oregano and, often, beans. Said to have been first introduced in San Antonio, Texas, in the 17th century, chili is the official state food of the Lone Star State. Texas-style chili has no legumes, though pinto beans are often served on the side. In Texas, where meat was always plentiful, there was no need to supplement the food with beans, but elsewhere chili recipes include different kinds of beans and some even leave the meat out altogether. Today is National Chili Day in America. Celebrate with a "bowl of red."
(To Walter Gropius
with admiration
affection and gratitude)
To summarize the authors' intention:the book advocates the development of a Science of Environmental Design to supplement higher purpose, creative ability, and technical skill before it is too late; "Beauty will look after herself," to quote Eric Gill.( Preface 1964)
- [kʌ'mən]
- [ərégənòu | ɔ`rigɑ'ːnou]
- legume
- [名]《植物》1 マメ:マメ科の植物の総称;pea, beanなど.2 マメ科植物のさや(pod).3 ((主に米))食品としてのマメ類.
"Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili." — Kit Carson's alleged dying words
Pronunciation: /ˈsʌp(ə)l/
adjective (suppler, supplest)
[with object]Origin:
Middle English: from Old French souple, from Latin supplex, supplic- 'submissive', from sub- 'under' + placere 'propitiate'supplement
- sup • ple • ment
- レベル
- 大学入試程度
- supplementの変化形
- supplements (複数形) • supplemented (過去形) • supplemented (過去分詞) • supplementing (現在分詞) • supplements (三人称単数現在)
[名] 〔s
1 追加, 補足, 補充;(書物・新聞・雑誌などの)補遺, 増補, 付録((to ...)). ⇒APPENDIX 1
2 《数学》補角;補弧.
3 [U](訴訟手続の)追語.
4 (ビタミンなどの)補給剤, 栄養補助食品.
━━[動] 〔s
mènt〕 (他)
1 …の補足となる;…に補遺[増補, 付録]をつける;…の不足を(…で)満たす[補う]((with, by ...))
2 〈不足を〉埋め合わせる, 満たす.