Keystone / Getty Images
The Inca walls were designed to help protect against a collapse during an earthquake. Doors and windows were built in trapezoidal shapes and tilted inward from the bottom to top.
The Inca walls were designed to help protect against a collapse during an earthquake. Doors and windows were built in trapezoidal shapes and tilted inward from the bottom to top.
Read more:,29307,2084363,00.html#ixzz1St0tpXkj
CAIRO — It was a few minutes after midnight on Sunday, when an unaccustomed rain washed Cairo’s somnolent streets, as Ahmed Abdel-Moneim walked with friends across a bridge that was a passageway to a parallel capital in Tahrir Square, an idea as much as a place.
the discourse of contract eludes two plenitudes: it permits the
observing the golden rule of any habituation, discerned in Shikidai*
passageway : no will-to-seize yet no oblation.
*しきだい 0 【式台/敷台】 我的大陸翻譯本搞錯啦!
(1)玄関の上がり口にある一段低くなった板敷きの部分。客を送り迎えする所。もとは武家の住宅で、玄関の次にある、客に送迎の挨拶 (あいさつ) をするための部屋。
我終於了解以前日式房間的一重要 "地方"
Syllabification: (pas·sage·way)
Pronunciation: /ˈpasijˌwā/
Translate passageway | into German | into Spanish noun
long, narrow way, typically having walls on either side, that allows
access between buildings or to different rooms within a building.
- Drowsy; sleepy.
- Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific.
[Middle English sompnolent, from Old French, from Latin somnolentus : somnus, sleep + -olentus, abounding in.]
somnolently som'no·lent·ly adv.oblation
Syllabification: (ob·la·tion)
Pronunciation: /əˈblāSHən/