In the ceremony on Dec. 3, Keene said he believes the devastated Tohoku region will experience a miracle similar to the one that occurred in Tokyo, which was rebuilt into one of the world's largest cities after it was firebombed into charred rubble during World War II.
In Pursuit of Riches, and Travelers' Supplies, in the Asteroid Belt
A company has
plans to mine asteroids that zip close by Earth, both to provide
supplies for future interplanetary travelers and to bring back precious
NASA Releases Video of Giant Asteroid Heading Toward Earth
But scientists says the aircraft carrier-sized space rock poses no danger.
Japan retailer Aeon raises outlook after strong Q2
By James Topham TOKYO, Oct 5 (Reuters) - Aeon Co raised its full-year outlook above market expectations after robust sales of food and household staples helped lift quarterly profit by nearly a fifth, joining a list of Japanese retailers enjoying a ...
Syllabification: (ste·roid)
Pronunciation: /ˈsterˌoid, ˈsti(ə)r-/
noun- short for anabolic steroid.
- 発音記号[ǽstərɔ`id][名]
1 《天文》小遊星, 小惑星:主に火星と木星との軌道間にある.
2 《動物》ヒトデ(starfish).
- 発音記号[íːən] [名]
1 無限に長い時期, 永劫(えいごう).
2 《地質学》=eon.

adjective (sturdier, sturdiest)noun
[mass noun]Origin:
Middle English (in the senses 'reckless, violent' and 'intractable, obstinate'): shortening of Old French esturdi 'stunned, dazed'. The derivation remains obscure; thought by some to be based on Latin turdus 'a thrush' (compare with the French phrase soûl comme une grive 'drunk as a thrush')Mesozoic
The middle era of earth's history stretching approximately from 225 to 190 million years bp.
Of, belonging to, or designating the era of geologic time that includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and is characterized by the development of flying reptiles, birds, and flowering plants and by the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs.
The Mesozoic Era.
Of, belonging to, or designating the era of geologic time that includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods and is characterized by the development of flying reptiles, birds, and flowering plants and by the appearance and extinction of dinosaurs.
The Mesozoic Era.
Life recovered from its worst extinction much faster than previously realised
THE dinosaurs went out with a bang. Most palaeontologists agree that those creatures and much of the rest of Mesozoic life ended when the Earth collided with an asteroid or a comet 65m years ago. But the Mesozoic, too, began with a mass extinction. Some 251m years ago, the efluvia of Siberian volcanoes wiped out 95% of life in the seas, and almost as much on the land, in an episode known as the Great Dying. This was the end of the Permian period, and of the era of life called the Palaeozoic. The survivors regrouped, re-evolved and turned into the Mesozoic species that led eventually to the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ammonites and belemnites that generations of fossil hunters are familiar with.
How that regrouping happened will be the topic of a presentation by Hugo Bucher, the director of the Palaeontological Institute at the University of Zurich, at the Third International Palaeontological Congress in London on July 3rd. According to Dr Bucher, it occurred faster than anyone had previously thought, but also stuttered on the way as the volcanic activity waxed and waned. ...
Britain's Oldest House?
By Julian Richards
Last updated 2009-11-05
Mesolithic Britain was thought to have been inhabited by hunter-gatherers, constantly on the move in search of food; however, the recent excavation of a dwelling in Northumbria reveals our Stone Age ancestors to have been ingenious and elaborate house builders. Julian Richards re-assesses a distant past.