“It’s clear from all the air and maritime platforms Seventh Fleet has in the area that they are closely monitoring this exercise to ensure it doesn’t become kinetic,” Mr. Sayers said.
Architectural facades that change dynamically, transforming buildings from static monoliths to ever-moving surfaces.
What are Kinetic Facades in Architecture?
‘This coin stands for all those who fought for the right to vote’
Stamped with the suffragette slogan ‘VOTES FOR WOMEN’, this penny circulated as small change, and spread the message of the campaigners.
You can see this 1903 penny in our Citi Money Gallery. Supported by Citi. http://ow.ly/kLWK30aoOvz
Attacks by suffragettes are represented by two paintings, Edward Burne-Jones's Sibylla Delphica, attacked in Manchester Art Gallery in 1913, and John Singer Sargent's Henry James, slashed at the Royal Academy in 1914.
The curators stress that the exhibition is not about acts of random vandalism but "iconoclasm" - acts of destruction inspired by an ideology.
Bo Xilai
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Definition of kinetic
1: of or relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces and energy associated therewith
b: DYNAMIC, ENERGIZINGa kinetic performer
3: of or relating to kinetic art
Further twists emerge in the demise of Bo Xilai's political career (108)
━━ n. 四つ葉, 四弁花; 【建】四つ葉飾り.

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約十年前我為華人戴明學院叢書設計的 logo ,就採取它。
In her book "Ritual and Power in Stone," to be published in December, Dr. Guernsey reviews many examples of stucco facades, painted murals and carved monuments that illustrate Preclassic development of the imagery of enduring Maya concepts of creation, the spirit world and the metaphorical expression of power and authority of rulers.
New attention, Dr. Guernsey said, is centered on the common monumental motif in the Classic period that has now been increasingly recognized as early as the middle Preclassic era, 900 to 300 B.C. It is known as the quatrefoil. The design is something like a four-leaf clover and is found in the arrangement of stones or carved in stone or crated with packed earth and painted clay at a ceremonial site, as at La Blanca on the Pacific coastal plain in Guatemala. La Blanca, occupied from 900 B.C. to 600 B.C., is being excavated by Michael W. Love of California State University-Northridge, with Dr. Guernsey as the project iconographer.
[名][U]聖像破壊(主義), 毀(き)像運動;因習打破.
- (建物の)正面,前面;正面幅,間口;向き
- 2(街路・河川に面する)あき地,土地
frontage road
- 音節fróntage ròad
pencil frontage on paper
variants: or less commonly façade
Definition of facade
1: the front of a buildingalso : any face of a building given special architectural treatmenta museum's east facade
2: a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effecttried to preserve the facade of a happy marriage
Syllabification: (i·con·o·clasm)
Pronunciation: /īˈkänəˌklazəm/
Definition of iconoclasm
late 18th century: from iconoclast, on the pattern of pairs such as enthusiast, enthusiasmiconoclasm
- i • con • o • clasm
- 発音
- aikɑ'nəklæ`zm | -kɔ'n-
- 音節
- suf • fra • gette
- 発音
- sʌ`frədʒét
- suffragetteの変化形
- suffragettes (複数形)