Is It Time for Americans to Embrace the Bidet?
In the United States, people are hoarding toilet paper and clogging sewer systems with wipes of all kinds.
“The old game has started collapsing,” says Xu Xiaonian, a professor of economics at the China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, referring to China’s inefficient export-oriented economic model, which can be prone to overheat. “We are now in a transition period. We need to find new ways to do things.”
Toilets in Japan troublesome
A Japanese toilet maker pledged Tuesday to repair nearly 82,000 electric bidets after several units overheated and emitted smoke. Inax Corp., Japan’s second-largest toilet maker, made the announcement after receiving six reports that covers on toilets with electric bidets — sprays fitted at the back of the toilets — melted and began smoking, according to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Sir Thomas More (1478-1535): author of Utopia; he was beheaded for refusing to recognize King Henry VIII as head of the church
Salvatore J. Cassano was at Fire Department headquarters in Brooklyn when US Airways Flight 1549 splashed down in the Hudson. He stood at the sound of the radio transmission and headed for the department’s new command center.
April 15, 2013
Users of Japan’s first smartphone-controlled toilet can simply touch their screens to flush, adjust bidet functions, change seat temperatures and even keep a “diary” of all...

Rare Infection Prompts Neti Pot Warning
After two cases of a deadly brain infection were linked to neti pots, government health officials have issued new warnings about using them safely.
www.neilmed.com/usa/adword_np.php - Cached
Call it a neti pot, a nose wash or a nose bidet, but they all refer to the same thing.
noun [C]
a small low bath in which a person washes their bottom and sex organs温水洗浄便座
- 発音記号[biːdéi | bíːdei]
1 ビデ:局部・肛門洗浄器.
2 小さな乗用馬.
noun [S]
a very small amount of something:
There's still a shred of hope that a peace agreement can be reached.
verb [T] -dd-
1 to cut or tear something roughly into thin strips:
Shred the lettuce and arrange it around the edge of the dish.
shredded carrot/paper
2 to destroy a document by tearing it into strips:
He ordered his secretary to shred important documents when government inspectors started investigating his business affairs.
noun [C usually plural]
a very small thin piece that has been torn from something:
Cut the radishes into shreds to garnish the plates
noun [C]
a tool or machine that is used for cutting things into very small pieces:
a paper/document/vegetable shredder
Much of the documentary evidence against her had been put through the shredder before she was arrested.
beheadverb [T often passive]
to cut off someone's headhead (GO) Show phonetics
verb [I + adverb or preposition]
to go in a particular direction:
I was heading out of the room when she called me back.
We were heading towards Kumasi when our truck broke down.
He headed straight for (= went towards) the fridge.
I think we ought to head back/home (= return to where we started) now, before it gets too dark.
adjective [after verb]
Which way are you headed (= In which direction are you going)?
to be likely to experience a bad situation soon, because of your own actions or behaviour:
They're heading for disaster if they're not careful.
The country is heading for recession.
1 [I or T] to (cause to) become hotter than necessary or desirable:
I think the engine is overheating.
It isn't healthy to overheat your house.
2 [I] If an economy overheats, it grows very quickly, so that prices, etc. increase quickly.
If a situation is/gets overheated, strong feelings, especially anger, are expressed:
Things got a bit overheated at the meeting.