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Percussion instrument | |
Classification | Hand percussion Idiophone |
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Ringers |
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[edit] History
See also: Change Ringing and Bell (instrument)
The first tuned handbells were developed by brothers Robert and William Cor in Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England, between 1696 and 1724.[1] The Cor brothers originally made latten bells for hame boxes,[2] but for reasons unknown, they began tuning their bells more finely to have an accurate fundamental tone, and fitted them with hinged clappers that moved only in one plane.[1]Originally, tuned sets of handbells, such as the ones made by the Cor brothers, were used by change ringers to rehearse outside their towers. Tower bell ringers' enthusiasm for practicing the complicated algorithms of change ringing can easily exceed the neighbours' patience, so in the days before modern sound control handbells offered them a way to continue ringing without the aural assault. The handbell sets used by change ringers had the same number of bells as in the towers — generally six or 12 tuned to a diatonic scale.[3]
Handbells were first brought to the United States from England by Margaret Shurcliff in 1902. She was presented with a set of 10 handbells in London by Arthur Hughes, the general manager of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry after completing two separate two-and-a-half-hour change ringing peals in one day.[4]
Change ringing is the art of ringing a set of tuned bells in a series of mathematical patterns called "changes". It differs from many other forms of campanology (such as carillon ringing) in that no attempt is made to produce a conventional melody.
It has been suggested that Prokofiev's use of text from Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms to characterise the invading Teutonic knights in the film score for Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky (1938) was intended as a dig at Stravinsky's "pseudo-Bachism".[64]
ring a bell
- INFORMALsound vaguely familiar."the name rings a bell"
• informal A remark intended to mock or criticize: she never missed an opportunity to have a dig at him
6 《音楽》転調;順序を変えた鐘の鳴らし方
ring the changes
いろいろ順序を変えて鐘を鳴らす(⇒CHANGE RINGING).
Let us consider "Carillon" – "chimes" – where we find the poet in a shabby hotel in Bruges, lying on the bed with his arms stretched out, "an anchor that has dug itself down and holds steady / the huge shadow floating up there / the great unknown".
(2) ((米略式))自腹を切る.
(1) 塹壕(ざんごう)を掘る;腰を据える, 居座る.
(2) ((命令文))((略式))さあ召し上がれ, 食べ始める.
(3) ((略式))こつこつやる, せっせと働く.
(2) ((略式))…にかぶりつく
(3) ((略式))…を徹底的に調べる, 専心する
(4) …を掘り進む.
(5) 〈貯えなどに〉手をつける;〈財産などを〉ほとんど使い果たす.
(1) ((米))〈動物が〉(…の方に)すばやく去る((for ...)).
(2) ((カナダ))雪に閉ざされた状態からぬけ出す.
(2) …を考え直す.
(2) 地位を固める;(ある場所に)腰を据える. ⇒DIG in
(2) …を発掘する;〈木などを〉掘り出す.
(3) ((略式))…を偶然見つける[手に入れる], 捜し出す
いろいろ順序を変えて鐘を鳴らす(⇒CHANGE RINGING).
Let us consider "Carillon" – "chimes" – where we find the poet in a shabby hotel in Bruges, lying on the bed with his arms stretched out, "an anchor that has dug itself down and holds steady / the huge shadow floating up there / the great unknown".
- 発音記号[kǽrəlɑ`n | kəríljən][名]
1 カリヨン, 組み鐘;それで奏する曲.
2 カリヨン:オルガンのストップ.
━━[動](〜ned, 〜・ning)(自)カリヨンを演奏する.
r | k

位在南半球、與台灣季節正好顛倒的澳洲,迎來了春天。我們在國家鐘樓的湖畔四周,已可見到嬌嫩花朵綻放。這座鐘樓高50公尺,不僅是世界上最大的樂器,也是首都 #坎培拉 的著名地標之一。
#澳洲 #澳洲旅遊 #打工度假 #澳洲打工度假
Australia 澳洲盡是不同 (Tourism Australia)
It’s almost time to bloom into full-on #spring mode in Australia! In fact, the first few blooms of the season were captured near one of #Canberra's magnificent landmarks, the #NationalCarillon, a 50-metre-high musical tower & one of the world's largest musical instruments!
#SeeAustralia #comeandsaygday #workingholiday #workingholidayaustralia
Visit Canberra
📷: Australia.com
- 発音記号[díg][動](dug 〔d
〕 or((古))〜ged;〜・ging)(他)
1 〈場所を〉掘る, 掘り返す((up));〈穴・トンネルなどを〉掘って作る;〈肥料を〉(土に)混ぜる((into ...))
2 〈特に根菜類を〉掘り出す, 掘り上げる, 掘り当てる((up, out));((比喩))…を(努力して, 捜して)見つけ出す, 発見する((out))
dig (up) peanuts
3 [III[名]([副])]…を(…に)突っ込む, 食い込ませる((into ...));…をつつく, こづく, 〈人の〉(…を)こづく((in ...))
4 ((古風))…を理解する;…が気に入る.
3 (人に)当てつけを言う((at ...)).
4 ((英略式))(借家人・下宿人として)住む, 居住する.
dig down
(1) よく調べる.(2) ((米略式))自腹を切る.
dig in
(自)(1) 塹壕(ざんごう)を掘る;腰を据える, 居座る.
(2) ((命令文))((略式))さあ召し上がれ, 食べ始める.
(3) ((略式))こつこつやる, せっせと働く.
(2) 〈肥料などを〉土と混ぜる, 掘って埋め込む.
[dig ... in/dig in ...]
(1) ⇒(他)3(2) 〈肥料などを〉土と混ぜる, 掘って埋め込む.
dig into ...
(1) ⇒(自)5(2) ((略式))…にかぶりつく
(3) ((略式))…を徹底的に調べる, 専心する
(4) …を掘り進む.
(5) 〈貯えなどに〉手をつける;〈財産などを〉ほとんど使い果たす.
dig out
(自)(1) ((米))〈動物が〉(…の方に)すばやく去る((for ...)).
(2) ((カナダ))雪に閉ざされた状態からぬけ出す.
(2) …を(…から)掘り出す((of ...)). ⇒(他)2
[dig ... out/dig out ...]
(1) …を(…から)捜し出す;救出する((of ...)).(2) …を(…から)掘り出す((of ...)). ⇒(他)2
dig ... over/dig over ...
(1) 〈土を〉掘り返す;〈田畑を〉耕す.(2) …を考え直す.
dig oneself in
(1) 塹壕を掘る.(2) 地位を固める;(ある場所に)腰を据える. ⇒DIG in
dig oneself into ...
dig ... up/dig up ...
(1) ⇒(他)1, 2(2) …を発掘する;〈木などを〉掘り出す.
(3) ((略式))…を偶然見つける[手に入れる], 捜し出す
1 こづき, つつくこと;((比喩))当てこすり, 皮肉
3 ((米俗))がり勉家.
4 ((〜s))((英古風))下宿(lodgings).
[中フランス語diguer(みぞを掘る). △DIKE1(みぞ)]