Zaha Hadid’s First Posthumous Project
A sleek maritime terminal is expected to give the Italian city of Salerno an economic boost as well as an architectural landmark.
Awarding Rosalind Franklin a Nobel Prize posthumously for her role in DNA discovery is the honorable—and scientific—thing to do
The New York Times Magazine
I've always tried to fight against, 'Oh, who's that small funny actress? Let's get her.'' Imelda Staunton on Vera Drake, Harry Potter and her return to the West End
Imelda Staunton: 'It's in my DNA to duck and dive'
As she storms the West End as another hard-scrabble working woman, she tells Stuart Jeffries why it's class – and not the classics – that matters
Founded by American missionaries who arrived in Japan from Minnesota in the early years after World War II, the church predates the nuclear plants that transformed a poor village on Fukushima’s hardscrabble coast into one of the region’s most prosperous towns.
Daniel Pearl Posthumously Baptized by Mormon Church
The slain Jewish journalist was baptized by proxy in the controversial church practice last June.
'The Sisters From Hardscrabble Bay'
In Beverly Jensen's posthumous novel-in-stories, two sisters escape rural poverty and make their way in the world.
Half-way from rags to riches
Vietnam has made a remarkable recovery from war and penury, says Peter Collins. But can it change enough to join the rich world?
At the Oscar awards ceremony in Los Angeles, the Best Picture award has gone to “Slumdog Millionaire,” a rags-to-riches tale set in Mumbai, India. The film's British director, Danny Boyle, also won Best Director. Kate Winnslet won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in “The Reader” and Sean Penn won Best Actor for his performance in “Milk.” The German film “Spielzeugland” or “Toyland” won Best Live Action Short Film. In a rare move, the judges awarded a posthumous Oscar to the late Heath Ledger for Best Supporting Actor in “The Dark Knight”.
Mélange posthumes sur les religions et L'histore de la Chine, II. Le Taoisme (1950)
Jesse Helms
The cantankerous former senator embodied the dark side of the Republican PartyJul 10th 2008And then there are the projects that draw attention purely because of their design, like the performing arts school in Tenerife by GPY Arquitectos, a mélange of stone and wood partly exposed to the open air that harnesses the city and the Atlantic as backdrop.
The exhibition begins with early Rauschenberg silk-screens such as Transom (1963), with its weird mélange of Velázquez's Toilet of Venus and military imagery, and continues by looking at the various ways Pop Art has sustained its position in contemporary art.
- The Toilet of Venus ('The Rokeby Venus'). Diego Velazquez, 1647-1651. The National Gallery, London. The only surviving female nude by Velazquez.
adjective FORMAL
happening after a person's death:
a posthumous award
adverb FORMAL
His last novel was published posthumously.
- post • hu • mous
- 発音
- pɑ'stʃuməs | pɔ'stju-
2 父親の死後生まれた.
3 〈作品が〉著者の死後に出版された.
mé·lange also me·lange (mā-läNzh')
- A mixture: “[a] building crowned with a mélange of antennae and satellite dishes” (Howard Kaplan).
- Geology. A metamorphic rock formation created from sediments and rocks scraped off the top of a downward-moving tectonic plate in a subduction zone.
a mixture, or a group of different things or people:
Her book presents an interesting mélange of ideas.
The dessert was described as 'a mélange of summer fruits in a light syrup'.
CERTAIN mortals have the power to sink hearts and sour moods with lightning speed. The hysterical colleague. The meddlesome neighbor. The crazy in-law. The explosive boss. A mélange of cantankerous individuals, they are united by a single achievement: They make life miserable.
arguing and complaining a lot:
He's getting a bit cantankerous in his old age.
━━ a. つむじ曲りの, 意地の悪い; けんか好きの.
Rags-to-riches is used to describe what happens to a person who was poor but becomes rich:
Hers was a rags-to-riches success story.
She told a rags-to-riches story of a child brought up in poverty becoming the owner of a hotel chain.
- Returning little in exchange for great effort: "her uncle's hardscrabble peanut farm".
- Characterized by chronic poverty and hardship.