(1975)節譯來對應(p. 253)。不過,它的引述或翻譯是有問題的:
我們看一下G. STEINER怎麼說:
When we read or hear any language-statement from the past, be it
Leviticus or last year's best seller, we translate. Reader, actor,
editor are translators of language out of time. The schematic model of
translation is one in which a message from a source-language passes
into a receptor-language via a transformational process.
我認為廖七一這種引述之略譯Leviticus/誤解out of time,多少代表中國關於「翻譯學界
North Korea Turns Its Ire on the South
SEOUL — In a statement issued on Friday, North Korea threatened that it
would take “physical countermeasures” against South Korea if it takes
part in enforcing sanctions against the besieged North.
- ire
- 発音
- áiər
- ireの変化形
- ires (複数形) • ired (過去形) • ired (過去分詞) • iring (現在分詞) • ires (三人称単数現在)
[名][U]((文))怒り, 憤怒.
━━[動](他)…を怒らせる.run out of ...
Exhaust a supply or quantity of, as in We're about to run out of coffee and sugar. This expression, dating from about 1700, can be used both literally and figuratively. Thus run out of gas may mean one no longer has any fuel, but it has also acquired the figurative sense of exhausting a supply of energy, enthusiasm, or support, and hence causing some activity to come to a halt. For example, After running ten laps I ran out of gas and had to rest to catch my breath, or The economic recovery seems to have run out of gas. On the other hand, run out of steam, originally alluding to a steam engine, today is used only figuratively to indicate a depletion of energy of any kind.
Joe Mansfield, the assistant repairman with two hernias...(以下解釋他是在搬冰箱時得到疝氣」....it
was exactly then, as he struggled not to be crushed by the several
hundred pounds he was holding, that his testicles had shot up out of his
scrotum. First one ball, then the other. Pop...pop.
- . 《医》ヘルニア◆臓器や組織の一部または全部が正常な位置から脱出した(突き出た)状態
- 2. 《医》脱腸{だっちょう}
- abdominal hernia
- 腹部{ふくぶ}ヘルニア
- abdominal hernia acquired
- 《医》後天性腹部{こうてん せい ふくぶ}ヘルニア
- abdominal hernia of specified site
- 《医》特定部位{とくてい ぶい}の腹部{ふくぶ}ヘルニア
- abdominal incisional hernia
- 腹壁瘢痕{ふくへき はんこん}ヘルニア
- abdominal wall hernia
- 腹壁{ふくへき}ヘルニア
- scro・tum
- ━━ n. (pl.〜s, scro・ta ) 【解】陰嚢(いんのう).
Taiwan Is Running Out Of Time
Strategy Page
The lack of more extensive undersea capability is the achilles heal of the Taiwanese navy. Without an effective submarine service, Taiwan would find it difficult, if not impossible to counter Chinese surface forces should they decide to establish some ...
run out of ...[run out of ...]
〈人が〉…を使い果たす, …がなくなる, 尽きる
run out of time [money]
out of time
not in proper time; too soon, or too late.
not in harmony; discordant; hence, not in an agreeing temper; fretful.
out of time
not in proper time; too soon, or too late.
not in harmony; discordant; hence, not in an agreeing temper; fretful.