When a Pope Retires, Is He Still Infallible?
Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to resign has puzzled the faithful and
scholars, who wonder how a pope can be infallible one day and fallible
again the next.
Infallibility of the Church :教會不能錯誤性: 1870 年梵蒂岡第一屆大公會議宣佈,教會於下列三種情形下不能錯誤: (1) 教宗以教會領袖名義,對全球教會宣佈有關教義及道德之事項。 (2) 大公會議對上列事項之決定。 (3) 與教宗保持共融的全球主教團對上列事項之決定(法典 749 )。 Infallibility 拉丁文稱作 Infallibilitas 。
Infallibility of the Pope :教宗不能錯誤性: 1870 年梵蒂岡第一屆大公會議宣佈:教宗以全教會領袖名義,根據聖經和聖傳,對有關教義(信仰)與道德之事項,以隆重方式 ex cathedra 所作之宣佈不能錯誤(法典 749 )。至於教宗以個人名義、或對部分教會所作之宣佈、以及非正式之宣佈,均無「不能錯誤性」的保障。此「不能錯誤性」既非不可犯罪性,亦非天主之啟示或感發。
Half of German City to Evacuate For Diffusion of a WWII Bomb
1.8 ton bomb discovered in riverbed after low water levels; more expected to be found
Orange's Nimble Big Man Will Dance With a Star in Griffin
Arinze Onuaku has uncommon coordination for his size, and the Episcopal High product will need it against Oklahoma.
(By Steve Yanda, The Washington Post)
adjective FORMAL
of a bishop, or of a church which is directed by bishops
adjective, noun [C]聖公會
He is (an) Episcopalian (= belongs to the Episcopal church).
ex cathedra (eks kuh-THEE-druh)
adverb, adjective: Spoken with authority; with the authority of the office.
From Latin ex cathedra (from the chair), from cathedra (chair). In the Roman Catholic Church, when the Pope speaks ex cathedra he is considered infallible. The word cathedral is short of the full term cathedral church, meaning the principal church of a diocese, one containing a bishop's throne.
The term is often used ironically or sarcastically to describe self-certain statements, alluding to the Pope's supposed infallibility, as if an office or position conferred immunity from error.
"The Supreme Court's ex cathedra pronouncement that the area is not riverbed or floodplain commits two errors." — Ramaswamy R. Iyer; Let the Games Go On; The Indian Express (New Delhi, India); Aug 4, 2009.
cathedral Show phonetics
noun [C]
a very large, usually stone, building for Christian worship, which is the largest and most important church of a diocese (= area):
Salisbury Cathedral
- The principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing the episcopal throne.
- A large, important church.
- Something that resembles a cathedral, as in grandeur or authority.
- Of, relating to, or containing a bishop's throne: a cathedral church.
- Relating to or issuing from a chair of office or authority; authoritative.
- Of, relating to, or resembling a cathedral: tall trees whose branches met to form cathedral arches over the path.
[Short for cathedral church, from Middle English cathedral, of a diocese, from Old French, from Medieval Latin cathedrālis, of a bishop's see, from Latin cathedra, chair. See cathedra.]
Polishing the Brand in a Cathedral for Cars
Ari Marcopoulos/Coop Himmelb(l)au
The interior of BMW Welt, where clients can pick up their new cars. The cavernous main hall has restaurants, a cafe and a shop selling BMW merchandise. More Photos >
MUNICH — I admit I had not been thrilled about flying here to see the BMW Welt, this car company’s fancy new delivery center. The enthusiasm many of us once felt for the notion of an increasingly interconnected world has dimmed, a casualty of the canceled flights and lost luggage that is the reality of travel today. And I feared that the building itself — a luxury showroom that could double as a theme park for car fetishists — would be a monument to excess.