"L'Antiquité est ma jeunesse" disait #Rodin
"Antiquity is My Youth" said Rodin
Qing Dynasty Relic Yields Record Price at Auction
The $69.5 million for a 18th-century vase, found in a family home, is believed to be the highest ever paid at auction for a Chinese antiquity.
She studied the piano and singing intensively, becoming a licentiate of
the London College of Music in 1974, and was awarded a fellowship 10
years later.
Jennifer never allowed the challenges of life to defeat her. Some years
ago, she suffered from a painful bout of eczema and asthma. She
undertook a regime of swimming and bicycling, as well as home cures, and
detailed some of her ideas in Eczema and Food Allergy: The Hidden
Cause? (1997).
David Kynaston writes: Four
years ago, surveying the publisher's hype before reading Jennifer
Worth's Call the Midwife – "appeals to the huge market for nostalgia ...
misery memoir meets a fascinating slice of social history" – I confidently anticipated a dollop of self-indulgent, sentimental tosh. I could not have been more wrong.
- 音節
- li • cen • ti • ate
- 発音
- laisénʃiət
- licentiateの変化形
- licentiates (複数形)
1 (医学・法律の免許を有する)開業有資格者.
2 ((英))上級修士:修士号取得後, 1-2年大学院で学んだ者に与えられる;例えばPh.L.(Licentiate in Philosophy).
3 (ヨーロッパの大学の)修士.eczema
- 音節
- ec • ze • ma
- 発音
- éksəmə, égzə- | éksimə
- レベル
- 社会人必須
s | eksém-〕
- 音節
- tosh
- 発音
- tɑ'ʃ | tɔ'ʃ
It's just a lot of tosh.
an·tiq·ui·ty (ăn-tĭk'wĭ-tē)
n., pl., -ties.- Ancient times, especially the times preceding the Middle Ages.
- The people, especially the writers and artisans, of ancient times: inventions unknown to antiquity.
- The quality of being old or ancient; considerable age: a carving of great antiquity.
- Something, such as an object or a relic, belonging to or dating from ancient times. Often used in the plural.
- [名]
- 1 [U]年代を経ていること,古さ
- a antiquity
- 非常に古い寺院.
- 2 [U]大昔,古い時代,太古;中世以前の時代(特にギリシャ・ローマ時代),上古,古代
- antiquity
- 大昔から
- antiquity
- 大昔(に).
- 3 ((集合的))古代人. ▼特に古代の作家や職人をいう.
- 4 ((通例-ties))古代の遺物[遺跡,風習,文化];古器
- antiquities
- 古代ギリシャ・ローマの遺物.
n.- Something that has survived the passage of time, especially an object or custom whose original culture has disappeared: "Corporal punishment was a relic of barbarism" (Cyril Connolly).
- Something cherished for its age or historic interest.
- An object kept for its association with the past; a memento.
- An object of religious veneration, especially a piece of the body or a personal item of a saint.
- or relics A corpse; remains.
[Middle English relik, object of religious veneration, from Old French relique, from Late Latin reliquiae, sacred relics, from Latin, remains, from reliquus, remaining, from relinquere, relīqu-, to leave behind. See relinquish.]
1 ((通例〜s))(歴史的な)遺物, 遺構, 遺跡
Roman relics
2 (過去の習慣などの)遺風, なごり.
3 ((通例〜s))残存物, 残骸(ざんがい);((古風))遺骨, 遺体.
4 遺品, 形見, 記念物.
5 《キリスト教》聖遺物.
6 ((略式))古風な人[物].
7 =relict 1.
[古フランス語←ラテン語reliquiae殉教者の遺骸(re-あとに+linquere残す+-ae名詞語尾). △RELINQUISH, LICENCE]