"When David Bowie was offered a knighthood in 2003 he said: “I would never have any intention of accepting anything like that. I seriously don’t know what it is for. It’s not what I spent my life working for.” As another refusenik, the great J. G. Ballard said, all this is about reinforcing privilege and rank and snobbery in a class- divided society. Loyalty, he said, should be felt to fellow citizens and the country as a whole."
Want to earn a killer salary? Learn the sport of coding.
It's not clear how long he'd been inhaling noxious fumes for
But it’s not all fun and games. Sometimes certain members of the crowd can get out of hand. In 2012, someone (Wile E. Coyote?) threw tacks on the road. That same year, a moron lit a few flares and ended up burning TdF winner Bradley Wiggins. Then, in what might be the grossest fan display, last year, someone sprayed Mark Cavendish with urine. Yeah. Nuts might be an understatement.
"Elliot Rodger had never kissed a girl. In a culture of casual sex, he was a virgin — at 22. He was lonely, angry, humiliated, depressed, and also likely struggling with mental illness. He couldn’t understand why others got to have what he didn’t; why girls always seemed to go after the “obnoxious jocks,” not the nice guys like him; why he had to see it all around him — from porn to campus party culture — as if taunting him. He was always missing out." http://ti.me/1lP3cWZ
Jan. 7, 1765.
To-night at the Spotted Pig I was eating my customary Sunday
Supper when I espied Boswell entering. I groaned, thinking my Meal
ruined, but he merely extended his Greetings to me and went off to
converse with Burke at his Table. Have I finally rid myself of this noxious Pest?'Back to Blood'
Tom Wolfe's new novel is built around the gaudy clash of Miami's different ethnic and financial populations.
John Westcott, a former homosexual who is now married and the director of Exchange Ministries in Winter Park, Fla., an organization whose mission is to reorient sexuality, can only smile when Mr. Maher reminds him that Jesus never addressed the subject of homosexuality. At a Christian theme park where the passion of Christ is re-enacted in a tacky musical pageant, the actor playing Jesus compares the Holy Trinity to the three states of water: liquid, ice and vapor.
4. Most Obnoxious Tourists? The French
By Bruce Crumley / Paris
Americans may be rude, but a new survey of attitudes toward foreign tourists shows that they're no match for the French
Knowledge is Power
"I will respond preemptively to those who are quick to dismiss the views and analytics crafted by retired DoD personnel as 'irrelevant and inapplicable', by saying that such assertions are sophomoric, unsustainable, without merit and wholly dismissive of the Dr. W. Edwards Deming advocated pursuit of profound knowledge," says Stokes. "To be sure, we benefit from applying accumulated knowledge, as has been evident since humankind first saw the need to record and preserve what was learned. The Library of Alexandria is an ancient and extraordinary example of this premise."
Writing in The New York Times nearly 30 years afterward, when the film “The Ten Commandments,” was re-released for a brief run, Vincent Canby called it “a gaudy, grandiloquent Hollywood classic” and suggested there was more than a touch of “the rugged American frontiersman of myth” in Mr. Heston’s Moses.
Mr. Carroll is an object of national fascination in part because of his apparently pathological criminality, and in part because he represents a kind of Briton known as a chav. Chavs, whether rich or poor, tend to favor gaudy jewelry and expensive-but-tacky clothes with big logos and to behave in a way that others find coarse or obnoxious.
Finding the Unexpected Beneath the Gaudy
The Frugal Traveler searches for sophomoric fun, total relaxation, a taste of luxury, plus the alternative, “real” Cancún, whatever that might be.
be felt
- adjective
- 二年級(學生)的
- 一知半解的
- 不老練的
to be less powerful or effective than someone or something else:
Gibson ran well but was no match for the young Italian.
(ŏb-nŏk'shəs, əb-)adj.
- Very annoying or objectionable; offensive or odious: “I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution” (Ulysses S. Grant).
- Archaic. Exposed to harm, injury, or evil: “The town … now lies obnoxious to its foes” (John Bunyan).
- Archaic. Deserving of or liable to censure.
obnoxiousness ob·nox'ious·ness n.
- ob • nox • ious
- 発音
- əbnɑ'kʃəs | -nɔ'k-
- レベル
- 社会人必須
[形]とても不快な, 胸の悪くなる;醜悪な;(…に)嫌われている((to ...))
obnoxious behavior
persons obnoxious to the government
[名]jock 2
Line breaks: jock
Pronunciation: /dʒɒk/
North American • informalob-
- ob-
- 発音
- ɑb-, əb- | ɔb-, əb-
Syllabification: (nox·ious)
Pronunciation: /ˈnäkSHəs/
Translate noxious | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish adjective
adj., -i·er, -i·est.
Showy in a tasteless or vulgar way.
gaudily gaud'i·ly adv.
gaudiness gaud'i·ness n.
SYNONYMS gaudy, flashy, garish, loud, meretricious, tawdry.
These adjectives mean tastelessly showy: a gaudy costume; a flashy ring; garish colors; a loud sport shirt; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. anti-flash
gaud·y2 (gô'dē) n. Chiefly British., pl. -ies.
A feast, especially an annual university dinner.
[Middle English gaudi, gaud, prank, trick, possibly from Old French gaudie, merriment (from gaudir, to enjoy, make merry, from Latin gaudēre, to rejoice) and from Latin gaudium, enjoyment, merry-making (from gaudēre, to rejoice).]
Wikipedia article "Gaudy". gaudie
Line breaks: tack
Pronunciation: /tak/
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3[ NO OBJECT] Sailing Change course by turning a boat’s head into and through the wind:their boat was now downwind and they had to tackCompare with wear2.
[from the practice of shifting ropes (see sense 5 of the noun of noun) to change direction]
Middle English (in the general sense 'something that fastens one thing to another'): probably related to Old French tache 'clasp, large nail'.
adj. Informal., -i·er, -i·est.
- Neglected and in a state of disrepair: a tacky old cabin in the woods.
- Lacking style or good taste; tawdry: tacky clothes.
- Distasteful or offensive; tasteless: a tacky remark.
[From tackey, an inferior horse.]
Police got riots wrong, says Cameron
tackily tack'i·ly adv.
Police were too slow to react to the riots and were wrong to treat it as a public order issue rather than one of criminality, the Prime Minister says.