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The Coming Shakeout for App Makers
apps business is open to virtually anyone with a good idea, but
marketing and selling the app remains a crude undertaking, writes Dennis
TOKYO — Japan's core machinery orders, a leading indicator of corporate capital spending, logged the biggest fall in more than two years as demand from ...
Mr Bo, 62, was the son of one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party and a leading light. He had been expected to be named to its nine-man ruling council, the Politburo standing committee, in the autumn
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[ʌ`ndərtéikiŋ]
1 (仕事・責任などを)引き受けること, 始めること;((通例an 〜))引き受けた[請け負った]仕事;企て, 企業, 事業
3 〔léading líght[léading líght]
1 重要[有力]人物, 指導的な人.
2 《海事》導灯(range ligtht).log
- A usually large section of a trunk or limb of a fallen or felled tree.
- A long thick section of trimmed, unhewn timber.
- Nautical.
- A device trailed from a ship to determine its speed through the water.
- A record of a ship's speed, its progress, and any shipboard events of navigational importance.
- The book in which this record is kept.
- A record of a vehicle's performance, as the flight record of an aircraft.
- A record, as of the performance of a machine or the progress of an undertaking: a computer log; a trip log.
v., logged, log·ging, logs.
- To cut down, trim, and haul the timber of (a piece of land).
- To cut (timber) into unhewn sections.
- To enter in a record, as of a ship or an aircraft.
- To travel (a specified distance, time, or speed): logged 30,000 air miles in April.
- To spend or accumulate (time): had logged 25 years with the company.
To cut down, trim, and haul timber.
phrasal verbs:
log in or on
- To enter into a computer the information required to begin a session.
- To enter into a computer the command to end a session.
[Middle English logge.]
log2 (lôg, lŏg)
A logarithm.
1 丸木, 丸太;まき
in the log
sleep like a log
2 航海[航空]日誌(logbook);《映画》撮影記録.
3 (機械の)運転記録, 実験記録;工程記録;(アマチュア無線の)交信記録;(一般に)記録.
4 《コンピュータ》ログ:コンピュータ上の操作を記録したもの.
5 《海事》(速力を測る)測程儀[器]
heave [throw] the log
━━[動](〜ged, 〜・ging)(他)
1 (正式に)…を航海日誌[航空日誌, 工程記録, コンピュータなど]に記録する;(一般に)記録する;〈資料を〉整理編集する, 集める.
2 〈船・飛行機が〉…の距離[時間]を航行する;…の距離[時間]の記録を達成する.
3 〈木を〉切って丸太[まき]にする;((米))〈土地の〉立ち木を切り倒す((off, over, up)).
━━(自)((米))木材を伐採する, 丸太を切り出す.
log in [on]
log out [off]