Warnings dating to 1952 contradict Catholic bishops’ defense that they did not know pedophile priests could not be rehabilitated and returned to the ministry.
Japan will need to play a global role commensurate with its size and economic strength:
Merkel chides Pope for Holocaust controversy
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on the Pope to give a clear rejection of Holocaust denial, following the controversial rehabilitation of a bishop. Merkel said she was not satisfied with a clarification of the Vatican's position on the matter. Late last month, Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication on British bishop Richard Williamson after he apologised for inflammatory comments made on Swedish TV. Williamson had questioned whether six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust and denied the use of gas chambers. Several leading German bishops have condemned the German-born Pope's decision and called for Williamson's rehabilitation to be revoked.
Russia rehabilitates last tsar
Russia's Supreme Court has ruled that the country's last tsar, Nicholas II, and his family should be recognised as victims of Soviet repression. Tsar Nicholas, his wife and five children were killed by a Bolshevik revolutionary firing squad in 1918, but they have never been officially recognised as victims until now. The ruling officially rehabilitates the Romanov family and declares groundless the accusations made against them at the time they were killed. The tsar and his family were canonised by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.
Getting the culture right is one of the key catalysts to enabling students to achieve. As the late Peter Drucker argued:
Achievement is addictive – finding students’ strengths and focusing them on achievement is the best definition of teacher and teaching. (Post-capitalist society, Butterworth Heinemann, 1985)
From Hospital Into Rehab, Six Weeks After 47-Story Fall
By JAMES BARRONContinuing a recovery that has left medical professionals searching for superlatives, Alcides Moreno was discharged from the hospital Friday.
noun [C]
a person, especially a man, who is sexually interested in children
paedophilia UK, US pedophilia
noun [U]
superlative (BEST)
of the highest quality; the best:
We went to a superlative restaurant.
The company has been superlatively successful this year.
━━ n. 最高の人[もの], 極致; 【文法】最上級.
the process of helping someone to stop taking drugs or alcohol:
She's just finished four months of rehab.
a rehab clinic
After his arrest in 1998, he checked himself into rehab to get over his heroin addiction.
The systematic application of remedies to effect a cure: care, regimen, rehabilitation, therapy, treatment.
rehabilitation (′rē·ə′bil·ə′tā·shən) (medicine) The restoration to a disabled individual of maximum independence commensurate with his limitations by developing his residual capacity.
n. - 修復, 恢復名譽, 復興
v. tr. - 修復, 使復興
- corresponding in size or degree; in proportion."salary will be commensurate with age and experience"
addict Show phonetics
noun [C]a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something harmful:
a drug/heroin addict
a gambling addict
HUMOROUS I'm a chocolate/shopping addict.
addicted Show phonetics
By the age of 14 he was addicted to heroin.
I'm addicted to (= I very often eat/drink) chocolate/lattes.
I know that if I start watching a soap opera I immediately become hopelessly addicted.
addiction Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
drug addiction
his addiction to alcohol
addictive Show phonetics
1 An addictive drug is one which you cannot stop taking once you have started:
Tobacco is highly addictive.
2 describes an activity or food that you cannot stop doing or eating once you have started:
The problem with video games is that they're addictive.
These nuts are addictive - I can't stop eating them.
3 addictive personality a set of characteristics which mean that you very quickly become addicted to drugs, food, alcohol, etc:
He's got an addictive personality.